chapter three

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After my discussion with Ella,i finally gave chike a chance He was really happy when i accepted to go out with him,he as been really sweet and nice to me for the past 2 weeks that we have been dating,he as taken me on 4 dates which were amazing and most times he would just drop by to take me out,he as just been really great.

But honestly have not still been able to develop any feelings towards him when i told Ella, she just told me that it's still very early to conclude how i feel about him that i should still give him more time.

Chike himself as been on my neck he wants to introduce me to his friends as his girl,which i have made it clear to him from the start that i want us to go at a slow pace which he agreed on, that was on how second date when he tried to kiss me i had to stop him fast and made it known to him that i don't want to rush anything since he was the first guy i would be going out with,he was happy when he learnt that he was the first guy i would be going out with he promised to take things slow and steady.

As of lately he as been wanting to introduce me to his friends and i no what that implies which ve asked myself a lot of times now am i ready to be called his girl and the answer still remains no but am scared of hurting his feelings cos i can see that he really likes me as of now am just confused cos this was the main reason i never wanted to enter into the relationship i no am stuck now.

Another thing i don't like about Chike is i feel uncomfortable whenever am close to him cos he his too touchy for my liken even thou have made it clear to him how i feel about that he his always finding ways to hug me,hold my waist,or touch me which i don't feel comfortable with but every other things with him as been great.

He said his best friend was throwing a birthday party this coming Saturday and he wanted me to be there with him i told him that i could not go as i would be at my parents house.

Well my plans have been cancelled as my parents called that they won't be home as they are both traveling to attend the wedding ceremony of one of our extended families, so i would be the only one at home if i should go but i rather  stay on campus than going home to stay alone.

I stood up as the class ended for the day,today's lectures was really boring i could not wait to be through with my classes,i picked up my bag as i hurried out of the class to go home and relax as i was so tired

"Hi love"
I turned around as i came face to face with the person having been avoiding for the past two days

"Hi"i bit out as i tried to plaster a smile on my face.

" have really missed you,i tried calling you both discovered i don't have your number,can you imagine that and we have been on more than 3 dates and i still don't have your number "he said as he stared at me.

" hmmm i think that would be because you have never asked and you are always picking me at my lodge"i explained to him even when i new deep in my mind i never planned on giving him my number.

"Well that's where you wrong i could remember vividly asking you for your number the first time i asked you out" he said challenging me with his eyes waiting for me to deny it.

"Anyways let's just forget that but i will make sure to be getting you number before the end of today,and i do like to ask a question have you been trying to avoid me" he asked as he starred at me suspiciously.

" why would i avoid you" i stammered as i denied quickly.

"Good cos i was worried if i had done something to annoy you"

"Oh why would you think so have just been busy with school work and projects"

"OK,since we're good i was thinking of taking you out so that we can go and see a movie that is if you are not busy" he asked

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