chapter five

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Ella didn't even let me get through my second lecture before she dragged me out to go shopping with her complaining that it's already getting late.

She had picked more than fifteen dresses which she ended up rejecting each time she sees a new dress,I just got tired of the circle.

she forced me into taking a dress of my own after she finally settled on a particular dress for herself

saying it was perfect but I just knew when she sees another beautiful dress she would drop the one she took,

The dress she forced me to take was a short pencil wine dress with long puffy arms,it was kind of an office dress,but I took it cos it looks more decent and responsible from the ones I had come across,

I'm not trying to be judgmental but I couldn't pull it off with does dresses even if I try,unlike Ella that look good in anything with her long legs and curves,

Ella was adament for me to change the dress but I refused,when she saw that I wasn't ready to bulg,she decided that she would be the one to choose my shoe and do my makeup which I couldn't argue with her since I knew it was a losing battle.

I just sat down and watched her pick all the things she needed for the party tomorrow,which re a lot according to her,she bought a new perfume,and other stuffs which re not really important.

By the time we re through it was already evening and I was so tired and hungry,

We had to buy fast food to take home since neither of us would bother to cook.

Immediately we got home I hanged the new dress and quickly got off my clothes to have a quick shower,while Ella was busy going through the things she bought.

By the time we settled in to sleep it was already late,and my head was already touching my pillow when my phone rang,

I picked the call not even bothering to check the caller,as I was too sleepy to check who was calling,

"Hello"I answered with a groggy voice,as I listened to hear who was on the line.

"Wassup sweet heart"
A deep baritone voice called out from the line which I recognized as Chike.

"How was your day love,I can see I just disrupted your sleep,forgive me for that love,
Just wanted to checkup on you and also hear your beautiful voice"

"My day was good,and yours hope you had a lovely day"I replied trying to talk firmly and remove the evidence of feeling sleepy in my voice which didn't work out as my voice still came out scratchy.

"Hmm my day was just normal,cos you know my day can never be good when I don't have my angel by my side which is you,wish I could have you by my side everyday then my days will always be splendid and worth looking forward to"
He said in a dream like voice which made me blush and kinda speechless.

I heard him chuckle from the background when I didn't reply him as i was lost for word's,I quickly thought of what to say and changed the topic.

"E -m-mm what time did you say you gonna pick us up again"
I asked stammering a little as I couldn't come up with what to say that fast,just went with whatever came out from my mouth.

"I guess you girls should be ready before 5pm"he replied sounding a little bit amuse

"OK,I will let Ella know tomorrow",I reply.

"No problem,goodnight let me don't delay you from sleeping,take care dear and sweet dreams"

"Yea gudnite,sweet dreams also",I respond back waiting for him to cut the call.



"I love you",
He confess as I was left mouth wide open.

"I understand,you don't need to say it back,I just wanted you to know how i feel about you,"

"OK.."was the only word that left my lips as I tried to recover from the shock I just had.

"Gudnite babe"he said as he cut the line.

I let out a breath I never new I was holding as I dropped my phone

"God what have I gotten myself into",I whispered into the night as I stared into the darkness,he just confessed he loves me when deep in my heart I know I have no feelings for him.

I know what to do,I think its time to come clean to him and break it off with him,I just have to let him know that I have no feelings for him, I tried, I really tried to make it work out but the chemistry is not just there,I will let him know after this party.

Yes, that's what I will do for my mind to be at rest cos I feel really guilty now.
I concluded as I try to go back to sleep which was proving kinda hard now cos of the things running through my mind but after some time I was able to succumb to nature.

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