Chapter Six

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I wakeup this morning feeling lazy as ever as today is a Saturday,which means have got the whole weekend to myself.

I manage to stretch my hand to retrieve my phone from the bedside,going through it to see if I have any missed calls or messages from my parents,

knowing my mum if she calls and I don't pickup her calls she's ready to drive all the way here immediately just to check if am alright.

Well I think today is gonna be a good day,since there isn't any calls yet from both of my parents,

which means they might be really busy,if they could forget to call me this morning,well lemme don't get ahead of myself its still early they could still call anytime.

Ella mumbled from her bed which made me roll over to my side to face her,I discovered she was still asleep.

Well its still very early 8:46am,why don't I sleep a little bit more since I have nothing doing,I flipped my cover over myself and dived back to sleep again.


By the time we both wokeup from sleep it was already past eleven,I had to bribe Ella to do her laundry just for her to cook,

Which she agreed to quickly,after she prepared the food,and we had both eaten and washed the dishes,

I brought out my dirty clothes which wasn't much along with Ella's own that was piled up high like two months worth of unwashed clothes,well I had no choice cos I made an agreement with her,

She just left me there and went back to the bed to press her phone.

By the time I washed finish I was totally exhausted,I drank a full bottle of water and lay down to regain my energy.

Not up to 20minute that I lay on the bed I see Ella heading to my direction.

"Babe don't you think we should start getting ready now its 3pm already"
She said staring at me.

"Not now Ella you can see I just washed finish not long",
I grumbled feeling annoyed.

"Common you know its gonna take a lot of time for us to dress up,and chike could show up anytime"she defended.

"Well for one,you should speak for yourself only cos you the only one that spend a lot of time getting dressed,and two chike said he will be here by around 5pm so we still got plenty of time till then".
I explained to her feeling tired of her drama.

"What..."she Shouted facing me.

I stared at her confusingly not getting why she shouted.

"Merit he told you he is coming by 5 and you didn't even tell me see the time now,we only have few hours left to dress up all thanks to you",
She accused.

"Sorry about that,beside we still got lot of time left to prepare,no need for you to freak out"
I apologize trying to calm her down.

"Fuck that,the time is not enough for me"she mutter as she dashed off to the bathroom.

"Huff.."I exhaled as I wait for her to come out so I can take my own bath.

By the time we finished dressing it was already almost 5pm all thanks to Ella,after she took an hour dressing up she then faced me,she did my makeup even though I complained that I don't want heavy makeup she did it mild which looked really beautiful on me,

She helped me curl my hair,by the time she was through with me I couldn't recognize myself,I look elegant and more sophisticated,even though the makeup was light.

"Wow you look beautiful"she exclaim as she stared at her handwork.

"Thanks,and you also"
I replied smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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