Chapter four

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"Mum you don't have to worry,its fine I will just stay over at the campus no need of coming back home since you guys won't be around and beside I can take care of myself"I exclaimed to my mum who was hell bent on being worried for no reason.

"I don't feel good leaving you at the campus for the weekend"she replied worriedly as I rolled my eyeballs.

"Common other people stays at the hostel also till the end of the semester before going home and mine is just for the weekend and you being paranoid for no reason and besides my roommate will be with me so you don't have to worry"I tried calming her down.

"OK if you say so,just be careful and take care of yourself don't get into trouble"she said not fully convinced.

"Yes ma,I will stay out of trouble"I replied jokingly

"Merit am being serious"

"Have Heard you mum calm down"I said and let out the breath have been holding as the call got cut,ha thank God my mum can be so paranoid and frustrating.

Sometimes it gets frustrating with my parent always keeping an eye on all my activities,with my school just being a four hours drive to my home,they made it mandatory that I always had to come home for the weekend just to keep an eye on me,I could remember when I entered newly they had wanted me to live with a family friend who lives close to my school just to watch over me but that was where I drawed the line I throw a tantrum and refused to eat or speak with them,

I was able to convinced my dad but my mum was another case entirely she was so adament and convinced that after my tantrums I would still stay there,I had to use another approach

which was my dad I begged him and convinced him that I needed to stay at the campus to be able to experience the whole student life style and adapt to college way,To be able to become independent and self reliant,by the time I poured out my whole heart to him he was able to convinced my mum but with a compromise that I would always come home on weekend's.

I feel happy that they won't be home for the weekend,so have got the whole weekend all to myself,even though I have nothing important doing I will just lie around and read all day,having my time all to myself my parents do feel that am too young to be on my own,since i finished high school at an early age,

being just eighteen years and in my second year of university,they feel that am just too young,they try to make all the decisions in my life most times without me complaining,but sometimes i just feel so suffocated with them hovering around me.

Tomorrow being Friday have got just two classes,i had gotten back from today's lecture feeling so tired and hungry,Ella left me from the campus to go visit one of her boyfriends,yea boyfriends cos she doesn't have a specific one,by the time i got home i quickly took a much needed bath,and woffed down a bowl of cereal since Ella was not home to cook,it was when i decided to rest for a little while that i received my mums call.

With nothing left to do i decided to take a little nap,then read my books when i wake.


"Merit...,Merit wake up"
I heard my name being called deep from my sleep,as i ignored the voice and turned the other way.

"Merit... chike is here to see you,he is parking his car and would soon come in you better get up now" the voice kept on disturbing me as i mumbled gibberish as a reply without opening my eyes.

"Okay i can see you not ready to wakeup i will just have to open the door for Chike to see you when you snoring with drool coming out of your mouth,i think that will make a very good sight to behold"

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