Chapter 5

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Anastasia's POV

I walk over to Luna handing my drink to Kai "I'll be back in a minute Kai"
"Hello there Anastasia" She says in her angelic voice
"Hey Luna, what are you offering tonight" I ask her
"Oh I've got Nevilles load today and we're splitting the money later tonight, how much do you want?" She questions
"Um, I'll only take a few Luna thanks" I say handing her £100 and taking the joints from her
"Thanks Luna, I'll see you later"
"Bye" She says back walking away

"Well what have you got there?" Kai says handing my drink back to me whilst I put the joints in my pockets
"A special treat for us and the guys" I say taking a massive gulp of my drink "Come on, let's go find them"
I grab his hand a walk around for a bit until we find everyone and make our way to our dorm

Once we all sit down in a circle on our dorms floor, I get out the joints and hand them out, putting my own in between my lips and lighting it with my wand.
"So what do we do?" Pansy asks
"How about a game of spin the bottle?" Blaise says
"How do you play?" Kai asks
Okay so basically, someone spins the bottle and whoever it points at, they have to kiss!" Pansy says
"Hmmm yeah alright I'll go first" Kai says spinning the bottle
It lands on me
"And we're going again" He laughs spinning it again
It lands on Blaise
"Looks like it's us Zabini" Kai says
"Alright then" Blaise laughs and walks over
He walks over to Kai and kisses him with his hands cupping his face and then walks back to his place and sits down
(A/N: I'm so sorry, this is so weird haha)

"Okay my turn!" Pansy spins the bottle and it lands on me
"OoOooh, now this is something I would like to see" Draco says smirking
"Oh you perv, chill out it's just a kiss" I say when Pansy stands up to walk to me
She does look good though,her brunette hair was straight, just laying over her shoulders. She was wearing a silk red dress that stopped just above her knees, her makeup just being dark red lipstick and faded black eyeshadow.
"Well hi there babe" Pansy says walking over to me sitting on my lap
"A bit unexpected but okay" I laugh quietly
"Let's tease the boys" She whispers to me
"Hell yeah" I whisper back

She cups my face and slowly kisses me, after about 2 minutes we were making out, my hands on her hips with her hands cupping my face and she pulls out licking her lips
(A/N Seriously I'm so sorry, but now that I think about it, should I make a book about Pansy? Let me know)
She stands up and winks at me, walking back over to Draco
"That was hot" Draco says
"We know" I say as I lick me lips winking back at Pansy
The rest of the boys just had there mouths hanging open, trying to process what just happened

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