Royalty Escape

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There were 9 royal families, often referred to as "pillars" that held up a legacy. The insect pillar had a beautiful princess with bright eyes and a soft kind heart, the water pillars prince was the opposite. The prince was a brave boy with a scar which people mistook as a birthmark. Usually it was tradition that the pillars princesses and princess were not to be married, although some managed to defy that rule, shortening the pillars to 9.

It was time for the anual pillar meeting, each king or queen were sat in a small room waiting until everybody was there and ready to start they're conference.

"Let's get on with this meeting already! So have you guys been able to find the perfect husband or wife for your successors yet?!" shouted the pillar of love, her name was as beautiful as her colorful hair, Mitsuri Kanroji.
"What?" Giyuu, the water pillar said.
"Did you not hear her? She said if you found anybody worthy of marrying you're successor." Obanai said in a small voice, just like what you'd imagine a snake to sound like, only with a slighty deep voice.
"Well we have tons of boys lining up for Kanao! I mean, it was clearly expected since she is super cute!" Shinobu whom was the pillar of insects said with a hyper voice.

The meeting went on with commentary's from each pillar talking about their successors beauty or their strength and how they would surely find somebody worthy to marry.
"Wait! Tengen hasn't said anything yet!" Shinobu was quick to speak while pointing at the sound pillar.
"Oh- oh! Ah! Yeah.. well Zenitsu's a.. pretty tough guy!? He lacks bravery, but.. but I think soon enough there will be tons of pretty girls lining up at our gates for him!" the sound pillar said with short uhh's between his sentences. Awkward silence creeped upon them.
"Haha- well our meeting is over anyways so, see you at our next annual meeting." said Muichiro breaking the silence. Each pillar got up and said their goodbyes and head back to their palaces.


The water pillar prince, Tanjiro, and the insect pillar princess, Kanao, were both mischievous and sneaky. Whenever the Kings and Queens were out of the palace or even when they didn't have an eye on them, the two would sneak out together going to festivals, making houses out of sticks in the forest, going on their boats, and overall spending time with each other. They both loved doing it, spending time together I mean.

The Kings and Queens were suspicious of their relationship, they were "too awkward" around each other. Except this "awkwardness" was planned between the two. One day when they were building a small house Kanao asked if Tanjiro thought the pillars were suspicious of them hanging out in secret. Tanjiro knew that Giyuu had already caught him once and that he doesn't mind, but in order to keep Kanao from stressing he told her, "I don't think so, it'll be fine either way, if they find out, we can run away and be free!" when Kanao heard this she looked down at the house they had been building and covered her completely red face. "I'm sorry, was that to odd of me to say?" Tanjiro ask with his usual soft voice, that only she had ever heard.
"I'm fine. Your just such a big flirt Tanjiro!" Kanao said those last words teasingly while poking his shoulders. They both laughed their heads off that day.

This time during the pillar's meeting they met at a different spot, they both were headed to a small field filled with stunning flowers and outstanding insects. The two both sat on a near by bench in the field, Tanjiro picked up some bugs and gave the each names, Kanao watched and observed. After a while Tanjiro looked at her and said in a relaxed voiced "Is there something you want to talk about? We never go here?"
"Oh- Uhm right! It's nothing special I thought we could just go here for a change! That's all really!" Kanao said, talking like a nervous wreck, of course there was something she wanted to talk about, she just couldn't after Tanjiro figured it out.
"Really? The princess I know isn't very fond of surprises." Tanjiro said putting a finger on the bottom of her chin slightly lifting her face up so that they made eye contact.
"Ah! Uhm- yes! I swear it's nothing!" Kanao blurted out. Tanjiro kept his finger where he had place it and observed her current state, she was clearly blushing and trying to hide it, yet she didnt move from her current position. Tanjiro put his hand on Kanao's cheek and a slight "What?" came out of Kanao. Tanjiro quickly placed a small kiss on her lips that lasted a couple seconds and once it was done he looked away quickly to prevent Kanao from seeing his face covered in a red tint. Tanjiro felt a tap on his shoulder, when he turned around he could see the girl he had kissed covered in blush all the way to her ears.
"I think, I have a fever" Kanao said innocently.
"No," Tanjiro said taking her hand "you're just in love with me!"
"Yeah, maybe that's it." Kanao giggled after saying that.

They both walked out the field with their hands still holding on to each other. "Does this mean we can escape together?!" Tanjiro stated excitedly, "If you want, we can even date each other.." Kanao spoke softly.

"That sound's like a plan to me." Tanjiro said in the same voice only she had ever heard while planting a kiss on her cheek.


"Hey Giyuu.. have you seen Kanao?"
"No? I haven't seen Tanjiro either."
"Oh my! We should be worried right now, where are they!"
"Oh okay, should we look near the boats?"
Shinobu and Giyuu walked in distress to their boats.
"WHERE ARE THEY!!" Shinobu yelled
"Chill, i'm sure they're fine, plus it's only been about one hour since they went missing." Giyuu said reassuring her.
"I know where they could be! Follow me Giyuu-san!"
They both walked over to the field and saw both of them on the bench while Tanjiro was naming the bugs.
"Pfft- and you said your successors was strong?" Shinobu laughed
"Shut up! He is!" Giyuu said
"Shhh! They're talking now! Don't let them find us!" Shinobu whispered.
Shinobu and Giyuu observed to two sitting on the bench and Shinobu cringed when he saw Tanjiro touch Kanao in the slightest.
"What's wrong?" Giyuu asked,
"They're going to make out! I can smell it!" Shinobu said.
"First of all, the only one here with a good sense of smell of Tanjiro, second, what do you mean make out?"
"I seriously feel bad for your wife." Shinobu sighed. When they looked back at them they were kissing. Shinobu glt ready to stand up when she felt a tug on her kimono, "No you're going to ruin the moment." Giyuu scolded her and Shinobu sat back down. They watched as Tanjiro and Kanao got up and walked out the field.
"Should we go after them?" Giyuu asked.
"I think they'll be fine with out us, they grew under our influence of course!" Shinobu chirped.
"They'll grow into some fine adults." They both said while watch the pair walk out their lives.

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