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"Welcome to Butterfly Café how may I-" Kanao looked down at her customer dressed up neatly and sitting in a booth. "Tanjiro? I told you not to come to my work place multiple times!" Kanao scolded Tanjiro and flicked his forehead,
"Why can't I come?~" He whined
"Because," Kanao bent down and whispered in his ear "It's too embarrassing, all of my co-workers think we're dating."
"So?" Tanjiro whispered back, Kanao pouted and continued with her duties.
"Anyways, how may I assist you?!" Kanao politely said, she made sure to sound as "normal" as possible so it wouldn't stand out to her co-workers that she was nervous.
"Hmm.. I'll have some coffee and a Veggie Omelette."
"Okay! Anything else?"
"Well Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Nezuko are coming soon, so what about some ordinary sandwiches?" Tanjiro
"Alrighty!" Kanao headed back to the kitchen and told the cooks Tanjiro's orders.

Nezuko and the others arrived and sat at Tanjiro's booth. They talked about normal teenager stuff like random idiotic trends or rumors about their classmates. Meanwhile Aoi was suspicious of him, "Are you sure he doesn't have a crush on you? He's always here!" Aoi countinued whining to Kanao,
"No, Tanjiro seems, how do I put it," Kanao thought hard "dense? He seems to dense to even have or know what a crush is." Kanao said while continuing setting up the trays.
"Waaa~ Your no fun Kanaoo!~" Aoi dragged, Kanao laughed at her and left the kitchen to serve her customers.

"Coffee and a Veggie Omelette for Tanjiro, and sandwiches and some water for everybody else!" Kanao set down the dishes onto the booth table.
"Tanjiro! How come you didn't order something special for your little sister!" Nezuko poked at Tanjiro, she was pouting and looking at him with puppy dog eyes,
"I told Inosuke to bring you guy's earlier! Sorry Nezuko!"Tanjiro pat Nezuko's head meanwhile Zenitsu tried to stop Inosuke from yelling at Tanjiro,
"Don't blame this on me!"

Kanao was laughing at their crazy conversations, they seemed more like a crazy family then a group of friends. Tanjiro noticed Kanao staring at the friend group dearly, "Kanao why don't you take a break from work and sit with us to eat?" He asked,
"U-uhh i'll ask my manager if I can!" Kanao walked away towards the managers desk.
"S-shinobu, could I- take a break, and sit with my friends perhaps?" Kanao muttered,
"Sure!" Shinobu chirped, she always noticed how close Kanao was to that one group and felt bad about not letting her have some free time with them.
"Huh?" Kanao tilted her head at Shinobu in confusion
"You're always helping out here! It's only fair you have some break time!" Shinobu walked to Kanao and pat her head,

"You came!" Tanjiro said, everybody at the table looked at Kanao and grinned, Tanjiro made a open spot for Kanao to sit between Nezuko and himself. They talked about normal teenager stuff, like the rumors spreading through their classes, somebody on TikTok getting cancelled, and teasing each other about how they were in middle school. Kanao felt safe with them, she started to laugh hysterically, "What happened! Kanao's gone crazy!" Zenitsu joked
"Ahh! She's choking!" Nezuko and Tanjiro laughed at Inosuke's comment, they all had a great time. Kanao knew she was bound to have a great time if it involved Tanjiro.

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