A Day Together

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"Tanjiro~" Kanao whined standing in front of his door.
"Yes?" Tanjiro asked. Kanao walked in and sat on his bed she kissed him on his forehead,
"Are you healed yet?" She asked,
"Not fully, I can walk and do normal stuff, but I can't go on missions yet." Tanjiro frowned.
"Great!" Kanao chirped,
"Great? How?" Tanjiro started at Kanao she looked super excited.
"That means you can spend more time with me." Kanao hugged Tanjiro. Kanao was getting more comfortable with Tanjiro ever since they started dating.
"Really? Just a couple of days ago I woke up from a coma and this is how you're treating me?" Tanjiro snickered.
"If you can survive that fight with one of the 12 demon moons then you can survive a day with me!" Kanao pouted at the lack of attention she was getting, Tanjiro did it on purpose just to see her pout. The two chatted about what they would do that day and they both settled on a picnic date.

Later that day Tanjiro would head out and go meet Kanao sitting near a river with the picnic all set up.
"Hellow m'lady!" Tanjiro said teasingly while bowing down like a prince. Kanao laughed and Tanjiro sat down next to her. Tanjiro opened the basket he had brought and revealed two perfectly packed bentos. Kanao and Tanjiro grabbed them and started eating. Kanao often feeding Tanjiro grapes from a separate container, and Tanjiro making silly faces at her. Tanjiro wished that every day he could see Kanao's face brighten up with happiness.

After Tanjiro and Kanao cleaned up their picnic they head back to the butterfly mansion and sat outside of it. They talked to each other about the weather, their love for each other, things they would do when they were younger, and overall silly things. They finished the day with a small cuddling session and fell fast asleep.


(a/n) hey sorry this isn't the greatest i just haven't found motivation or time to write rlly long stuff but either way inhope u liked this quick little thing.

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