Chapter 4

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Callen's screams of agony reverberate through my very soul, making me wish I could do something to erase his pain, to make everything better. However, I know that's impossible. Therefore, pulling the bullet out and treating the wound is the best I can do for him right now.

Still, I share the torture he is undergoing in a way that no one has ever been able to understand as I experience his pain as my own. I can clearly imagine his foot as mine and how utterly excruciating my rummaging through the wound to find the bullet truly is.

It reminds me of the time I had to observe a doctor examining a patient's gangrenous leg. The smell alone was enough to cause anyone to feel sick to their stomachs. Nevertheless, the doctor wanted us to observe as he attempted to physically remove the dead tissues and stop gangrene from spreading by cutting it out.

The guy was screaming and begging for the doctor to stop. Instead of doing that, he continued with the painful process while giving us detailed explanations about the procedure.

Naturally, what he was doing was necessary, but it was something I had never wished to see. Merely looking at the process made my head spin, my legs aching to run away. Yet, it was even more than that.

I could clearly imagine the pain the person was going through. The best I can describe the feeling I get when someone is in pain is a prevailing sense of empathy that makes me feel physically ill.

This time, as sweat coats Callen's skin I feel even worse, like I was in the ninth circle of Hell. It might be because I know Callen and I care about his wellbeing.

"Is everything okay?" Jared, Callen's friend, asks as he notes me changing colors.

"Fine. I am just having trouble pulling the bullet out. I'll get it," I say with determination.

The sooner I get this over with, the better it will be for both of us. I think that we are both running out of strength. The only question is which one of us will faint sooner.

"Okay, I got it," I say, finally wrenching the bullet out.

However, Callen's screaming and sobbing don't stop there since I have to disinfect the injury. In turn, I am burning with pain as if it were my own. Furthermore, the pool of blood has been staring at me for a while, laughing at me, taunting me to take a look.

Despite all that, I manage to patch Callen up as best as I can before all my determination runs out. After that, all I am left with is an aching body and broken spirit.

"I think...I think I need to sit down," I say as I move away from the ocean of blood that seems to be increasing, trying to devour me whole.

Before I can do so, my knees become wobbly, and Jared barely manages to catch me before I hit the ground.

"It's okay. I'll take care of her," I hear the familiar voice say.

I don't even feel that I am being exchanged from one set of hands to another as everything is just one big, spinning blur. I am not even sure what's up and what's down.

"You're okay, I got you," Nathan says, cradling me in his arms.

"Nathan, how did you know to come for me?" I ask, my words feeling far away from me.

"I overheard someone say that there was a lot of blood and that they hoped Callen would be okay. Remembering how you felt about blood, I came to see if you were okay. I guess I was right on time." Nathan says.

"Yes, but at least I finished treating Callen. He should be okay." I say as I allow a small amount of pride to shine through.

"You were amazing!" Nathan says, sounding impressed.

Rotting World, Blossoming Love I ONC 2021Where stories live. Discover now