Chapter 2

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The next morning I woke up late, mama had let me sleep in. Little did I know, that our morning guests had already left.

1 day time skip...

I woke up this morning and put on one of my new dresses:

I ate breakfast rather quick and headed on my way to school, I figured I'd be walking by myself since Ruby had her friends and I didn't know anyone else except for Gilbert

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I ate breakfast rather quick and headed on my way to school, I figured I'd be walking by myself since Ruby had her friends and I didn't know anyone else except for Gilbert. After a few minutes of walking in the woods I had started to read one of my fantasy books when i bumped into a tree and let out a yelp. I hear some one behind me but I can't focus on who it is.

"hello miss? are you okay?"

I know that voice, that's Gilbert Blythe.

"Hi Gilbert! Its me Annabelle!"

We started walking to school together and I apologized for my rudeness yesterday and we talked about a number of different topics, I really enjoyed his company and it definitely didn't help that he was so attractive. When we got to class he offered to take off my coat for me and I happily obliged, I ended up with shivers because of the way his hands felt on the skin of my neck. We were about to walk into the classroom when he said to me, "you look very beautiful today. N-n-not that you don't always, I mean.. um.."  For some reason I thought that his stutter was so cute.

"well thank you Mr. Blythe, I think you look very handsome as well, and don't worry about it."

A blush immediately seeped across my cheeks when he looked at me strait in the eyes and smirked so attractively I almost passed out,  I hoped my hair hid it even though I know it didn't. The teacher, Mr. Phillips didn't sound very nice, but he sat me with Anne, she has fire red hair and freckles that I admire she seems very nice. In the middle of class I noticed a stare on me and heard some snickering. I turned around to see a boy I've never met but i think his name is Billy, and another boy, Moody looking at me and joking about something, I got very self conscious very fast. Gilbert had taken notice to this and gave Billy a threatening glare, Billy didn't stop then but Mr. Phillips interrupted the situation by yelling at everyone to get back to work. 

Lunch arrived very slowly, I decided to go make some new friends. I go over to the group of girls who introduce themselves as, "Josie", "Diana", "Tillie", "Jane", and of course Ruby and Anne. While every one was distracted, Josie had grabbed my fore arm and whispered very harshly into my ear, "What are you doing with Gilbert Blythe? Ruby has dibs you should know that." She said it with such disgust that I didn't know how to answer so I came up with my best response."FIRST OF ALL, you can't have dibs over a person, SECOND, what could you even do about it?" She looked so red in the face I wanted to burst out laughing, but she had started to whisper to the other girls and I started to get annoyed so I went outside to go eat my lunch in peace. I sat by the stream under a tree when Gilbert walked up to me and sat down.

"Hey, what are you doing out here? shouldn't you be inside with the other girls?"

"I didn't feel like it, they were kinda annoying, especially that one girl Josie Pie"

"oh yeh don't be intimated by them, their bark is worse than there bite. Did they tell you about the 'dibs'" 

I nodded

"Oh, also, I have an apple for you I noticed you didn't have much lunch and my farm is basically an apple orchard."

I thought about it for a few moments then finally admitting to myself that I had only drunk a glass of milk and ate a few pieces of bread. We haven't had a lot of money since papa left.

"sure, thank you"

His eyes watched my inattentively and I started to get nervous, I looked ahead of me and saw Josie Pie glaring at me through the window looking mad as ever. HA HA, now I just wanted to cause more chaos, so I impulsively grabbed Gilbert's hand, next to mine and intertwined them. He let out a surprised chuckle but went along with it. We finished eating and I made my way inside before the others.


I scoffed and kept walking.

As soon as class ended I almost sprinted out of the room but Josie Pie had beaten me out and was waiting for me with Jane and Ruby.

"So you think you can just do something like that and not get your penance?"

"Honestly Josie, I don't really care"

All of  sudden Jane and ruby had me backed against the wall and Josie tried to kick my shins as hard as she could. I wanted to burst out laughing, if this was the worst that they can do then they are harmless, besides it would only leave a few bruises on my Shins. But no one came and Jane had a surprisingly strong grip and Josie seemed to be kicking harder. Before I knew it, I had holes in my stockings and my shins had deep cuts from Josie's boots. They had finally stopped and let me go. I was in pain, but I'd live, I started my trek home hoping I wouldn't run into Gilbert. I figured I should clean my cuts out so mama doesn't see them and ask what happened, so I sat on a snowy log down by a stream that had yet to freeze over and put my leg up to get a better look, but just to my dismay in comes no other than Gilbert Blythe. He see's me and I try to cover my legs best as possible, but the faintly red snow gave me away and Gilbert made me show him my shins.

"oh my gosh Annabelle! what happened? who did this?"

"No one, I just tripped and wanted to clean myself up before my parents could see it"

"That's not true, even I know that sticks and rocks don't make that deep of cuts"

"Fine, if you really wanna know, its from Josie and her goons"

"WHAT! WHY? WHAT HAPPENED?" I could see the concern in his eyes and hear it laced in his voice.

"She was mad at me for talking and hanging out with you, along with "disobeying her" which makes no sense.... I'm fine, really. I'll clean it up then get home."

"You could get an infection you know, you should come to my house, I can take care of you there"

I quietly agree and we start on our way, talking about the same things we had before, and him acting as if he was totally oblivious to the effect he had on me.

Hey, sorry this is so boring, I'm gonna try to speed up the story a little more. To be honest I create the plot of the chapter in my head by the minute so its a little messy.

thx for everything!!!     Luv u!!

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