Chapter 7

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The exhaustion had taken over me and I had collapsed in Gilbert's arms.


She was so tired, I felt so bad for her. We stayed like that for a couple minutes until I got tired myself. Soon, her mom came over and asked if I could take her home so she could sort the living situations out with Ruby's Mother. I carefully pick her up; god, how is she so beautiful. I wonder what's going to happen now, where will our relationship end up? Will we even have a relationship? Will we start courting? What if she hates me now? I sigh.

"G-Gilbert?" I hear Annabelle's groggy voice as she wakes up.

"Shhh it's ok go back to sleep."

"Where are we going?" She's so beautiful when she's tired.

"I'm taking you home to your house"

"Oh okay, do you know what time it is?"

"Not specifically, but dawn is approaching"

"Mmmmkay" she mutters with a smile before curling into my chest and falling back to sleep.

5 min time skip...

We arrived back at her house and I had to wake her up. She tiredly told me that the spare house key was in the plant pot. I opened the door and helped her upstairs, you could feel how exhausted she was. She leads me to her bedroom and I lay her down in bed.

"Don't leaveeee"

"I have too, your mother will be home any second and I don't think she'd be very happy to see us sleeping in the same bed, even if we have before."

"Mmmkay" she says sadly with the biggest puppy dog eyes I've ever seen. So I pout and stick my lip out in a form of mockery. She giggles and then asks me,

"Can you come close I want to whisper something to you" I lean and and she surprises me with a kiss on the cheek instead. I am shocked at first but after a second or too I saw it as a good sign and went to leave.

"Stay with me please"

"Okay, only until your mom comes though"

"Mmmkay" she says and I laugh

"At least lay down with me!"

"Okay, okay". I chuckle. I lay down careful not to get under the covers because I know if I do I won't get back up. She snuggles into my chest and wraps her arms around my torso, she then throws her left leg over my midsection as if holding a large pillow and she snuggles into me. I quickly hear her soft snores and I know she is in a deep sleep. I start to think again...

Does she really have feelings for me? (Anne with an E reference IYKYK hehe)

Will she let me court her?

Is she in love with m-

"Annabelle!!" Her mother's here, looks like it's time to go. I slowly move her leg and her arms, I get up and replace my chest with a pillow, I also tuck her back in. I walk downstairs to meet her mother in the kitchen.

"Gilbert" she nods and I nod back.

"Thank you for putting Annabelle in her bed, it's really appreciated."

"Any time Mrs. Marley" I go to walk out when she stops me.

"Wait- Gilbert"

"Yes?" I turn around

"Please remember what I said, and please don't break her heart" When she says that my heart shatters into a thousand tiny pieces.

"Don't worry Mrs. Marley, it will all be okay"

My heart sinks as I walk out the door thinking about everything: Kissing Annabelle, what Mrs. Marley said, and what happened to Annabelle to hurt her so much?

Hey guys, I wanted to post this late because I am going on vacation so I plan to  be inactive for a couple of days. (till Tuesday, March 16th)

sry it was short, I was rushing. I am always open to ideas, I might start  Gilbert Blythe one shots and maybe a Marcus baker one shot book lmk. 


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