Chapter 9

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Anabelle POV

Mama had said yes to Gilbert staying for dinner, I was more excited than you could know! We went out to the barn and started to finish raking the hay.

"What did you do today Gilbert?" I asked.

"I started working on the Gillis's house. I had to work with Billy, he was a pain in the butt."

"That sucks, I hope you guys finish quickly"


"Mhm" we burst into laughter.

"So what did you do today milady" I start to giggle when I feel the blood rush to my cheeks and I try to hide under my hair.

"I just stayed home and I had minimal chores, Mama let me have the day off"

"Your lucky,"

"Not really" I look down at the floor.

"Why, what's wrong?" I look up to see his eyes with a genuine look. I spoke very quickly:

"I had a pretty bad dream last night, and there was the fire, and all the men are working on the Gillis's house anyway"

"Slow down, you had another nightmare?"

"When don't I" I muttered

"Hey, it's okay. You can talk to me, tell me what it was about please, if you don't mind of course"

My hands start shaking and I sit down on the barn floor.

"Hey, its ok we don't have to talk if you don't want to"

"No, it's ok" I say with a shaky breath. He slowly sits down next to me and he slowly drags his finger along the back of my hand tracing patterns. Slowly he grabs it and I feel more confident in what I feel so I start to speak.

"W-well it was about y-you." I feel his body stiffen but I keep going." and we were laying down on you b-bed" my voice started to fail me. "A-and you told me 'everything will be okay' I got nervous and looked up at you and you were on fire" I stopped and let out a sob. " t-then you wouldn't stop burning. A-a-and I couldn't help you and you just kept-" I burst out into sobs. Gilbert wraps his arms around me and plants a k1ss on my forehead.

"It's all okay, I'm not going anywhere Annabelle. Everything is okay" After a few moments Gilbert puts his finger on my chin and tilts my head up to look at him.

"Hey" he breathed. "It's okay, everything will be okay."

"Mhm" I say and a small smile lights my lips for a quick second. We stayed like that, curled up together on the floor of the barn for a few minutes until Mama called for dinner. I went to get up but Gilbert pulled my arm back. We were both standing now.

"I'm here now, and I'm not leaving. Ever." I let out a sigh and a teary chuckle. He pulls me to his chest and I nestle my head in his neck. He smelled like spring and vanilla.

He pulls away and looms me in the eyes. I know everything will be okay" he kisses my forehead and looks deeply into my eyes. I start to lean in and my l1ps touch his lightly with caution. The k1ss is slow but still perfect, he started to press further and I allowed him too. We continued to kiss for god knows how long. It felt like forever, we broke apart out of breath and he stared me right in the eyes with his hands on both of my cheeks wiping the tears away.

"I love you" He breathed. I couldn't take it anymore. I leaped at him and threw my arms around him. He nestled his face in my hair and I whispered in his ear:

"I love you too, Gilbert Blythe." I felt the corners of his mouth lift and in that moment I felt safe, and happy. SAFE, it's been a long time since I've felt that. Gilbert has been so important to me and I hope that he feels the same. Tonight when I fall asleep I will .

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