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I woke up in Clara's arms. We hadn't moved much during the weekend. We watched movies and anime yesterday. She didn't leave me alone. We went to the store on Saturday and bought food so we could just stay in my room. She petted my head and told me constantly she loved me. Monday morning came and I had to say goodbye to her. We had made it a habit of her coming through my window. I almost asked her to stay I knew she would too. But I wasn't going to let her do that. 

 While looking in my closet for clothes, I heard someone coming up the stairs. Annoyed, I swung the door open "Mom I can't find my hoodie with the purple butterfly" My dad stared at me "I haven't seen it at my house also I'm not your mom. ". I blush frustrated to see my dad in my mom's house. "Hey Emerrylia, how are you doing" I look down. I hate that name. He knows that "hey Dad" I mumble looking around for my mom. While I'm glad my parents try really hard to get along for the sake of me and my brothers but honestly it bugs me that he shows up randomly at our house. " What do you want Dad?" I ask when he won't let me squeeze by. 

He frowns and rolls his eyes "That's rude Emerrylia, you're my daughter and I'm picking up Nolan and Joey for school." I shake my head frustrated. He's dumb sometimes "I meant in front of my room, Dad". He looked down at me always had a way of making me feel small "I wanted to see you since I haven't seen you in almost a month" I looked down at my pajama shirt. I know he loves me. But I also know he thought I was just going to end up working somewhere and using the money for drugs. "I've been busy with school Dad" He shakes his head "Are you at least passing Emerrylia,?" I told you he thinks I plan on dropping out. He also thinks I'm still his Little girl. The one who used to try and wear his shoes and was the top of her Girl Scout troop. "Yeah, Dad I am." I quit trying to be myself around my family after I told them I'm Non-binary. And they told me I was just depressed. 

 I just turned around and went back in my room. After I heard my dad say "I love you Emerrylia." I hated those words. Love meant you tried to understand them. It meant you tried to make them happy. You tried to let them be themself even if you didn't agree with them. I end up just wearing A black hoodie and an overall dress. My mom called me down. I knew the boys had already left, so I grabbed my platform Docs and walked down the stairs, and heard my mom talking to someone. 

It sounded like an older boy. My older brother Camden had moved out a year ago, was in college and he was dating someone. besides I doubt he would come over at 7:55 in the morning. I turned the corner and stopped in my tracks. and stared confused at what was happening in front of me "Hey c'mon Ryles we 're leaving". I'm to shocked to say anything except, 

"Yeah ok Preston."

/// me totally not behind on posting because i have to many fucking projects ... I am on fire whooop whoooop <3 <3 Asher Robin//

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