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Ethan was talking about an anime we both have seen. We were eating on the football field. It was freezing and I was trying to hide my shivers. but halfway through a laugh, I let out a loud "schisishs" and he laughed and gave me a hoodie. He always seemed to have an extra. I put it on and sighed at how warm and soft it was. He laughed at this, shaking his head. I had missed this. he looked at me and then threw a Skittle at my forehead. "Ow!" I looked at him shocked before another one hit my head I looked down they were the green ones which also happened to be my favorite. "Dork!" I said laughing before popping the candy into my mouth. I heard the bell ring from the distance we were at. "We should probably go inside." He nodded and helped me get up. I smiled for the rest of the school day. It was to myself and the desk but for the first time in a long time, I was happy.

My Mom told me she was gonna be late. So I headed to the school library. I was in the manga section when I heard Michelle and Thomas talking. I figured it wasn't my business and planned on going back to browsing when I heard my name pop into the conversation. "I saw the way, Ryley looked at you when you ran into them And the way you looked at them. Do you still like them". I suddenly was very invested in this conversation. and thought about everything that had happened between me and Thomas.

Thomas and I had met in Biology during our freshmen year. And were not friends at first in fact I avoided him. But when we were doing a partnered lab, we were assigned as partners. He made me laugh a lot and introduced me to Michelle and Tessa and Todd, and I introduced them to my friends which included Micah and Adam. Preston didn't really like them, he never wanted to hang out with the "popular kids". That's when Preston and I really stopped hanging out at school, we mainly texted when we wanted to talk. Looking back at it I feel stupid, for picking my image over him, for wanting to be seen by the world. Me and Thomas weren't dating till after a party where he had decided to walk me home. We had reached my door and I was about to open the door when he turned me around and kissed me. I blushed and stuttered as he winked and walked away. I texted him when I got to my room.

(From Ryley)"so you kissed me?"

(From Thomas) "yeah, was I not supposed to ?"

(From Ryley) "I mean I don't mind lol, I'm just surprised"

(From Thomas) "Why??"

(From Ryley)"Because I didn't think you liked me "

(From Thomas) "Why wouldn't I like you?"

(From Ryley) "Because I'm not very pretty or smart. I'm not a special person and I'm not funny or cute. I'm not unique or talented in any way."

(From Thomas) "You're a liar. You're the prettiest girl  I've ever met you're extremely smart and kind. you make me laugh constantly and you're adorable and you're the most talented dancer I've ever met. I've had a crush on you since I saw you."

(From Ryley) "Really?? Are you sure??"

(From Thomas) "Extremely sure XD.

(From Thomas)" Will, you be my Girlfriend"

(From Ryley)"Yes i'd love to "

(From Thomas) "Sweet"

We came back to school and began holding hands. and eventually just always being together. Michelle had told me she was so happy for us and entirely shipped us and supported it. That's probably why I was shocked to see them together. He had told me he had never seen Michelle as anything more than a friend. But like I said before she's a liar. But I thought Thomas was different he was one of the few who visited me when I was in the hospital. His last visit was where I broke up with him. "Ryley please c'mon don't do this to us, to me!" I looked at him and shook my head "you'll realize soon enough you never loved me" he had tears in his eyes as he called to me as I walked away "No! that's not gonna happen! please!" I just kept walking.

My words echoed in my head as I listened to their conversation as he told Michelle, "I already told you that I and Ryley's love was never real."

// oof My poor friend Ryley. They're just looking for manga not some stupid shit from those two ,anyways I love you all so much if you enjoy this leave a like and a follow also my other books are pretty cool. lovees i'll see you soon <3 Asher Robin//

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