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It's weird to think about putting yourself first
You want to help others so you say yes
You want to be liked so you hide your opinion
You want to succeed in school so you mentally strain yourself to make it through mountains of work

But what if you just stop
Stop worrying about saying yes all the time
Stop hiding your opinions
Stop having a mental break down to turn in one assignment that won't matter in 10 years

It's okay to put yourself first, it's what you should do
You can always help others but don't feel bad when you can't because your doing something for you
You can always choose when to talk or not but don't do it on the account of others
You can always do work but don't mess up your mental health because of it

Putting yourself first is necessary
At the end of the day all you have is you
You may be surrounded by people but you are with yourself all the time
Love yourself first and everything will fall into place
If people can't accept that you come first than maybe they aren't meant to be in your life and that's okay because you have you

Where Sorrow Meets Sunset - A Book of PoemsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang