Van Gogh

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I wrote this collection of poems during my time at the Van Gogh Immersive Exhibit. Some are random thoughts priced together others incomplete thoughts I needed to get out of my head.

And when the ground was shattering beneath my feet there was only one person there to save me

The one who has been by my side and supported me through it all

When the world was ending - -
I saved myself

Twirling sky's
Moving meadows
Twisting trees
The art around me came to life
Taken away from reality
A break to the outside world
Serenity surrounding me


Piece by piece the art came alive
Taking my soul
Wiping it clean
Filling it with love
No trace of negativity
Placing it gently back into my awaiting body

Where Sorrow Meets Sunset - A Book of PoemsWhere stories live. Discover now