Four Years Ripped Away

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This specific piece comes from the random thoughts floating in my head when I found out my senior year of college would be cut short due to COVID. I know it was for the safety of the students but it doesn't make not having closure any less painful.

Four years - four short years
In those four years I grew up
I became the teacher I wanted to be
The person I always hoped I would become

I made friends that last a lifetime
gained more sisters than I could imagine
realized my potential to fight for what is right
I grew into a person I am proud of

These four years changed my life for the better
I was prepared to walk out of that brick house and become apart of all my sisters that came before me
I was prepared to say goodbye to the group that made me realize how to fight for equity
I was prepared to walk across that stage in May Accepting the piece of paper that was my reward for changing and succeeding
I was prepared to eventually leave the school where I was living out my teaching dreams

What I was not prepared for was it all to be ripped away
I don't get to walk out of the house that empowered me for three years
I don't get to say goodbye to the people who built up my fight for justice
I don't get to walk across the stage on that day in May to receive my piece of tangible success
But worst of all I may not get to say goodbye to the kiddos who made me a teacher

Although I have hope, a small glimpse of hope
God gave me this opportunity to become the teacher I dreamed to one day become
I've learned to look for the positive and even if I don't get to do any of those things I know it was the journey I was meant to take
In those four years - four short years I grew up

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