The Forbidden D Word

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It's weird everybody says to talk about it
but nobody wants to listen
It makes them sad
They make it about them
The misunderstanding
Or you feel like a burden

Everybody just thinks your in a bad mood
Or your grumpy
Or on your period
When in reality it's none of those

Oh how you wish it was that easy to write off why you act this way

There is no reason besides you were born this way

You were born to have sad, out of sort moments

Moments even you don't understand your feelings

You know it will pass but not how long or what you can do to help

Everyone wants to be a mental health advocate but the reality of it is not many people know what to do

And that's okay because sometimes you don't even know what you want them to do

All you know is people see it, some try to understand, some sweep it under a rug

While all the while you live with it until it passes and there's nothing you can do about it because it's who you are

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