Chapter Eight: The End of My Story

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The limo halted after I jumped out of their window, but by then, I was already running, my cape flapping in the wind. "Come back!" Tamaki yelled, running after me. My pace was getting slower and my legs hurt, but they didn't stop chasing.

A tear slid down my face and my house was in sight. It didn't help that I was dizzy before. I felt a sharp object get in my way and I fell on my back. 

I put my head down on the pavement in defeat. I had closed my eyes when I fell, so I opened them slightly to see Tamaki in front of me and the rest of the host club were surrounding me. "I-I..." My voice sounded sick, so I stopped.

"You don't have to be afraid, and you most defiantly don't need the hood." Tamaki held my hood up. "I-I.." I trailed off again. "SHUDDUP!" I screamed. They were all taken back by this. "Do you even know what my life is like?" I screamed, making them back away again. "Huh? Do you?" Tears slipped down my face, a sign of weakness.

"What's so hard?" Tamaki said and kneeled down beside me. "Being me." Everyone looked at me, not with shock this time, but with tenderness. Kaoru looked down and said, "You know, you're beautiful, you don't need to hide your eyes." 

Everyone looked up at him. While everyone's attention was turned towards Kaoru, I opened my eyes fully. Tamaki was the first to notice, but I had my head down. 

'This is weakness.' A voice said in my head. 'You're giving in, they'll think of you as a demon.' 

I gulped and shook my head. Tamaki lifted my chin, but instead of slapping it away and scolding, I let him look at me. "You know, I felt the same way you did." He spoke up. "I mean, I have purple eyes too." All attention was turned towards us and I closed my eyes. 

'I really don't like this.' I think. 'You shouldn't, they'll judge you.' The voice said again. 'Just kill yourself. The world doesn't need a demon.' A voice that sounded like Tamaki's said in my head. But was it all in my head.

I opened my eyes and got up and started walking towards the busy street. 'Why am I doing this?' I stopped right on the edge. "Hey! That's a busy street!" Hikaru yelled. I sighed, "I know." 

'Well, I guess I should, nobody should have to deal with me.' I thought and walked into the street. Not where the cars are, but pretty close. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Tamaki yelled and ran over to me. He grabbed my wrist and dragged me back to the pavement. 'Why did I do that?' He pulls me into a hug and I stand there tears in my eyes, stunned.

"Why would you do that?" He asked, petting my hair. A tear falls down my cheek, onto his shirt. "I-I... I d-don't know." My voice sounded sickly dead.


His grip on my only tightened. "Don't ever do that again." He sounded like he cared, but why would he? No one but mother has-ever cared. "Why?" He pulls away and tilts his head to the side. I reopen my eyes fully. 

"Why do you care? I don't get it!" I narrowed my eyes in confusion and he just smiled. "Because, I-" Kaoru cuts him off. "Because, we're your friends." He glared at Tamaki.

"Friends?" I scoffed. "I don't need any friends. Why would I? I don't even know what they are." Everyone looked at me sadly. "And don't pity me." I start. "Plus, if you rely on someone, that's just weakness."

"It's not weakness. Tamaki spoke up. "It's called caring for someone so much, you'll do whatever you can." His head was down making his blonde hair cover his eyes. 

"Yeah?" I asked. 

"Yeah." He said. I rolled my eyes. "Caring for someone? Who do you care for that you'd do ANYTHING for?" I said, emphasizing the anything. "My friends." I looked into his eyes and he looked into my eyes.

We stayed like that for a while. "Friends? Friends are merely just people you know." I looked away. He stayed silent for a while. "Honestly, I couldn't give a damn if I'm alone. You know why?" No one said anything. I turned so my back was facing them. 

"Because I am."

I could feel the pity and sadness dwell over them. "And I'm completely fine." I said, turning back towards them. "Says who?" Hikaru asked. "Says me." I said coldly, making him recoil in fright.

"And I don't need people looking out for me, that's what I'm here for." My voice even colder. They went from teas to fears.

(A/N) I don't mean the band, I mean, that's the only thing I could think of...

"You don't understand." Tamaki looks up at me. 'He's saying don't understand?'

"I don't understand?" I yelled. They all nodded slowly. I scoffed. "You don't know a thing." I said and walked away.

Tamaki's Pov:

We all stood there, astonished. After a few minutes, I came up with an idea. 

"Men, our job is to make sure every girl is happy!" I put a fist in the air. "That's impossible, she's even making us depressed." Hikaru said. "Yeah." Mori spoke up. "I wanted cake! But now I'm in a bad mood!" Honey yelled and we all backed away.

Red's Pov:

I walked angirly home and opened the huge double doors.

"Friends? Yeah right."

Hey my Unicalrs! I have three more updates, or maybe two. I know I said three books, but it's getting late, so I'm only doing two. Remember stay perfect, because you are amazing!

        Xoxo Luci

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