Chapter Eighteen: The Big Day

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"You know, it's hard pretending like everything's okay, especially when it's not. I fake a smile everyday, just to make things seem okay."


I adjust my engagement ring and mess with my black dress. It's my mothers' funereal and my wedding. My mother and I always shared our love for My Chemical Romance. That's why for our funerals, we planned to play Helena. Just in our memory. I will play it, but I've got something else in mind too.

"You look beautiful!" Elissa commented. I kneel down and stare into her eyes, tears in mine.

"Thank you so much, Elissa. You know, you remind me so much of me when I was your age." I wiped my cheeks, making sure no mascara ran. "You look beautiful too, by the way!"

She smiles and says, "thank you! I wish when I grow up, I can be just like you! Now, get out there!"

With Hikaru on my right and Kaoru on my left, I stop and admire Tamaki. Elissa follows behind us, ready to throw the petals. My new friend, Amya, is my bride's maid. I start walking, my black dress trailing behind me on the black carpet.

The summer breeze blows through my short hair and the rose petals blow through my hair as well. Kyoya is Tamaki's best man. (P.S. I HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE ON WEDDINGS SO BEAR WITH ME.)

I stand in front of Tamaki and look into his eyes. It's time to say our vowels by the time we look away. "The first time I saw you, I new you were special. It took me a while to realize it, but I loved you. When I confessed, it was amazing. Red, I love you. I want to live with you for the rest of my life."

Trying to fight back tears I say; "Tamaki. No words can express how much I love you. I remeber the first day I came back to Japan I called the host club 'Male Prostitutes.'" I laughed a little.

"I was admittedly pretty rude, but once you took me on a date, I knew. I knew you were the one. You know, after you made me run out in embarrassment. Okay. What I'm trying to say is, I love you so much. I couldn't think of a world without you, Tamaki."

"You may now kiss the bride." (Or something) He leans in close to my face. Close enough I can feel his breath. I leaned in closer, and we kissed. It was pretty good if I do say so myself. I felt safe. Butterflies flew around in my stomach.

We pulled around and the crowd cheered. I grabbed the microphone. "Okay, mother was already buried, but I have some things to say." I cleared my throat.

"Mother, you were always there for me when no one else was. You helped me through life, helping me dodge the obstacles in life. I love you." We prayed and Helena came on. I cried and slowly sang along as Tamaki held me close.

I sniffed and said; "I have one last thing before cake." I sniffed again and started singing The End.

Now come one, come all to this tragic affair,
Wipe off that makeup whats in is despair,
So throw on the black dress mixed in with the lot
You might wake up and notice you're someone you're not.

If you look in the mirror and don't like what you see,
You kind find out first-hand what it's like to be me
So gather round' piggies and kiss this good-bye.
I'd encourage your smiles, I'll expect you won't cry!

I took a breath, I couldn't finish. I bowed and Tamaki lifted me up, carrying me to the cake table. I giggled and took a slice of cake and smeared the icing on his cheek.

"Oh no you didn't!" He chuckled and smudged some icing on my nose. Soon everyone was in a food-fight. Throwing cake, cupcakes, brownies, strawberries dipped in chocolate. It was the best day of my life.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Two voices sang and I groaned. "It's Christmas!" I smiled.

"There's one present for each of you boys on the table to open." They cheered and ran down to the kitchen. I hear a groan and look down at the now-woken Tamaki. "Hey babe."

"Hey." He smiled.

"I had the best dream." I layed so I had the back of my hand supporting my face while my elbow was on the bed. Rose from the Titanic drawing style.

"Hey Tamaki?" He sat up and I smoothed my hair down.

"Hm?" I smiled and hugged him. I felt so warm inside, I felt safe with him.

"Do you remember the first day we met?"

Not So little Red (OHSHC) ? x ocTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang