Chapter Twelve: Falling Over...Me?

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I squint my eyes. I'm in a room. A bright room. I put my hand over my eyes and sit up, feeling a burning pain in my throat. "Where am I?" I say to nobody. My eyes havn't adjusted, so I know where I am. I stand up and walk to the light.

"Hey Satan, God." I wave and lay on a cloud. I've killed myself so many times, I know this place like the back of my hand. If you think about it, it's really sad.

"This light or that one?" I point both of my fingers at the golden light and the other at the black one.

"This one." The light portal enlarges and I groan. The gold light is where you walk through it and live. The dark one is where you accept death and you go to hell or heaven.

"Why won't you let me die?" I groaned, frustrated
"Because it's not your time." I groaned again and fell back on the cloud.
"It's never my time. I've already accepted death, anyway."
"You have havn't you?" I nod quickly. "But others in your life couldn't." I think about this and sit up.
"Tamaki?" I ask out loud.
"Yes." They say and I sigh. 'It won't hurt.' I walk slowly against the clouds and step through the light portal.

My eyes open revealing, yet another, bright light. I got used to this one though. The same burning to my neck comes back and I sit up, putting the V of my hand to it. "Red?!?" Voices yell and figures come running to me. 'The Host Club?' I think.

"Red, we've been so worried!" I hear Kaoru yell. I squint and look at the fools. I look around for Haruhi and find her with her arms crossed leaning against the doorway. Tears fill my eyes.

"You made her cry!" Hikaru jabs a finger to Kaoru's chest. More tears flood down my face and I cuddle a teddy bear that lays by my side.

"Y-you care!" I choked out. Everyone's, including Haruhi's, attention focused on me. They look at me confused and tilt their heads to the side.

"What do you mean? We always cared!" Honey giggles. The rest, excluding Haruhi, smile and nod.

"What are you hiding, Red?" Kyoya speaks up.
"I guess smiles can't hide everything." Some tears spill onto the teddy bear. Realization floods over Tamaki and he runs over and hugs me, not letting go.

"W-what's he talking about?" Honey asks concerned. I let some more tears fall from my eyes. I gulp, ready to tell them the truth, should I?

I stay silent for a minute and I look at Haruhi. She notices that I'm looking at her and she glares at me. "Haruhi." The Host Club turns around to Haruhi.

"Haruhi. What's wrong?" She pushes through the boys and gets in my face. My heart pounds, afraid of what she'll say.

"Because! Ever since you moved here from 'who knows where,' They've been falling all over you!" She takes a breath. Falling over me?

"Even if we did, why would you care, Haruhi?" Kyoya reads my mind. I was thinking that. Exactly.

"B-because! Now none of you care about ME!" She emphasizes the 'me' part. I gasp.

"I-I'm so sorry." I cried.
"Save it! You took my Tamaki!" Now I understand how Tamaki felt.
"I-I did'nt mean-"
"I said save it! I said save it you worthless rat!" She screamed.
"Hey! Haruhi you have no right to call her names!" Tamaki yelled at her. This is too much. I'm too much. Maybe I should... SNAP OUT OF IT! I have some people who care. Besides mother, who watches me from above. I look at the ceiling and a tear slips down my cheek.

"Red?" The Host Club stops their bickering and stares at me, including Haruhi. Another few tears fall. Another. Another. Why couldn't mother live?

"J-just get Haruhi out. This is too much." Everybody but Tamaki takes a screaming Haruhi out. Tamaki sits on the edge of my hospital bed.

"I'm really sorry." He says and I nod. I don't want to speak. I can't. It hurts too much, physically and mentally. The boys come in and gather by my side.

"Do you want me to tell them?" Tamaki asks and I shake my head. If they are to find out, it's best it's me to tell them.

"T-tell us what?" Honey crawls up the side of the bed and sits and the end, where my feet are.

"Tell you that, um, well..." I pause. "That, my mother's been sick, for a while. And well, just the other night, she had to undergo surgery. But, it..." I managed to choke that out. "It didn't work!" I whispered-sobbed.

"So, what happened to her?" Innocent little Honey asks. My breathing gets heavier.

"Well, she passed." Tamaki gives me a warm hug.

"You have a father, don't you?" Hikaru asks and I shake my head.
"Why not?"
"He left us."
"Probably me."
"Why would you say that?" Tamaki butts into our conversation.
"Because, he's always hated me. I still have the scars to prove it." They all look at me, fearfully.

"He-he abused you?!?" I lifted up my shirt (That magically appeared instead of a hospital gown) and showed them my scars. They stood there with a gaping expression plastered on their faces.

"It's not that bad." I sniff and smile. The Host Club takes another little step towards me.

"Not that bad?!?" Kaoru exclaims. I shake my head. "There's big scars and bruises! When did he leave you?"

"About a month ago."
"And you still have bruises?!?" Hikaru yells. I nod slowly.


I gulp and turn the knob to the house. We're leaving for Japan tomorrow, or at least, that was my plan. 'I hope father isn't drunk.' I think. I let the door swing open. I hear the weeps of mother. 'So he is drunk.' I collect all my courage and walk up the long

"Where do you think you're going?" Father grabs my wrist and forcefully pulls me down the stairs. "You have chores!" He scolds.

"Yes, father." I whisper and put my head down. I slowly walk to the kitchen and father presses a foot to my back and kicks me forward.

"Pick up the pace, or you'll regret it!" He yells. I walk faster and get the mop and water. I start mopping the kitchen and in comes my sobbing mother.

"Peter! Don't make her do it!" Father raises his hand to slap her, but I get in the middle. He slaps me to the floor.

"Fool!" He yells and kicks my sides. My mother tries to get him to stop, but he doesn't. He enjoys making others suffer. The pain I felt was unbelievable.

He pulls me by the hair and throws me into the marble counter. "You get to your room, right this instant! I'm dealing with your mother!" He scolds me and kicks be across the floor. I get up and watch as he pulls out a butchers knife.

"No!" I yell and run to grab his wrist.
"What have I told you?!?"
"I don't care what you've told me! Leave this house! We've had enough!" I scream to his surprise. He slashes the knife across my eyes. My mother rushes to my side and father leaves.

"No! Honey, don't do that!" I tear up and hug her.

"I had to! He was going to kill you!" I sobbed into her shoulder. "I would've been fine, sweetie. Now you may not." She cries.

End of flashback

That was the day when my father left. For good. That was also the day when my beautiful blue eyes turned purple. "I had no idea." Tamaki says.

"None of us did." Mori says and the rest of the club nods.

"Well, I guess I could, I mean, why not?" I smile at the confused idiots.

"Do what?" Honey asks.

"Well, join the Host Club, of course!"

Well, hello there my Unicarls! I made some changes in my writing. I also changed the description of the story. Tell me if you like it better or not. And BUM BUM BUM! PLOT TWIST! Stay perfect, cuz you are.

-Xoxo Luci

(P.S) If you were offended in the first part with God and Satan, don't turn it into a riot. I was just proving a point on how she's tried so hard to kill herself. Also, I was going to leave the chapter off on Hikaru saying, "He abused you?!?" But I didn't. I hope I don't regret it. :)

Not So little Red (OHSHC) ? x ocKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat