Chapter Fourteen:Attack of the Lady Manager!

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        Xoxo Luci

        The principal drags me into the hall. She takes off her glasses and lets her hair loose. Now that I think of it, she was wearing a girl's uniform...
"Any-who, my name's Renge!" She shouts. "And Kyoya Ootori is my prince!" She says with sparkles in her eyes. 

        "So... you're not a principal?" She shook her head. I nodded and walked with her. We talked and talked until the end of the day. Then, she lead me to Music Room #3. The Host Club room. 

        She pauses in front of the room. "I'm The Host Club's manager!" She opens the door, revealing a bright light and roses flying all up in my face.

        "Phew! Phew!" 

        "Welcome!" The boys sang. I cleared my throat. "What?" They ask.

        "I'm dying here!" I shouted, coughing up a rose petal. "Gross..." I added The club room was just as I remembered it. "Welp! Imma host now so... how does it work?" I ask. Renge is no longer by my side. 

        "The Ouran host club is where the school's handsomest boys with too much time on their hands entertain young ladies who also have way too much time on their hands. Just think of it as Ouran acadamy's elegant playground for the super rich and beautiful. In your case, It's sorta the opposite." He explains.

        "Which part? The boys entertain girls or the super rich and beautiful, because I would take offence to the second one." 

        "The first one."

        "Oh." It was pretty awkward with silence hovering all up in our faces. All of a sudden, girls flood through the doors, trampling over me. After the crowd is gone, I lift myself up and look around. All of the girls where dragging their hosts to a seat. You know, while I was there standing there with bed head looking like an idiot.

        "I heard there was a girl host?" I turned around to see a few guys at the door. I'd half expect them to be like, "guess not, all there is is male prostitutes, fan girls, and an ewok." but they didn't.

        They ran up to me and started talking all at once. "Oh um...hi?" I said as they paused waiting for me to all their questions. They hesitated for a bit.

        "Kawaii!" They yelled. My eye twitched as they all grabbed my hand and lead me to an empty seat. 

        "So, what's it like being a host?" I shrugged. "It's not bad, I guess." 

        Honey came up and offered some cake. Being an L, I immediately agreed. "Strawberry!" I called. After a while, my cake came and I sat L style and ate it.

        "I will take this slice of cake, and eat it!" I shouted to myself. I looked up, realizing I literally screamed and everyone was confused. Their faces. I couldn't hold it in. I laughed so hard, falling off the couch and crawling into a ball, holding my stomach. 

        "What's she talking about?" A girl asks and I stood up and walked to her. She seemed pretty terrified. Which was good. 

        All of a sudden, the cutest smile plastered my face and I just skipped to her and said, "oh nothing!" And went back to where I was having my moment. 

        "Do you sing?" A guy asks.

        "Yes. And design clothes, draw, and write." I smile.

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