Chapter Nine: His Curiosity Killed the Cat

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I open my eyes, blinded by the Saturday light. I havn't talked to the Host Club since yesterday. Why would I? Their just jerks, why did I ever trust them?

I groan and get up out of bed. I decide to stay in my pajamas today, I mean, why get dressed if you'e not going anywhere? 

I sat in bed listening to Blink-182 when the doorbell rings. I groaned and paused the music. "Who is it now?" I mumbled and opened the door. There stands the jerk, aka the Baka. I rolled my eyes and shut the door and locked it. 

The door bell rang again. Even though I knew who it was, I opened the door.

All I can say is, BIG mistake.

Tamaki trampled over me running into the house. "Get out." I said getting up and brushing off my pajamas. He just looked around my house. 

After he had is fun exploring, I said, "Are you done, Dora the Explorer?" He turned back to me with his arms folded and shook his head. 

I rolled my eyes and went back into my room and replayed my music. I started humming the words when I heard a noise, a noise? More like a CRASH!

I ran down the stairs, almost falling a few times and looked everywhere. He either left and forgot to lock the door, or he's in the kitchen. 

I run to the kitchen and pause at the sight. "You don't know how to cook." I said crossing my arms. He gave me puppy eyes and shook his head. I looked at what he was cooking.

"You don't even cook this!" I yelled, holding up the Lucky Charms box. I took the cereal that was not on the floor and put it in a bowl. Then, I put the milk, that wasn't on the counter, and put it in the bowl. 

I took a spoon from the drawer and put it in the glass. I shoved it in his hands. "There, now get out." He took a bite of the cereal mixed with the fluffy marsh mellows and smiled. "It's really good!" He fist pumped in the air.

"You've never had cereal before?" He shook his head. 
"It's commener's food." I put a hand on his shoulder, indicating I felt bad for him, but I don't. I sighed and left the room. I made my way to the living room to watch TV when, CRASH!

I stomped over to the kitchen. "Tamaki?!? What the hell?!?" I screamed. He had poured the cereal on his shirt. "I'm so sorry!" He started to clean the mess. "Just get out." I pointed to the kitchen door.

He sulked over to the door and opened it, reveling the living room. He paused, "You know I only came here to make you feel better. Not to make a mess." I understood that, but still. 

"I know, but still." He walked out the door, me following him. He picked up a photo of me and my parents. Before I could stop him, he checked the back. "Ella Riding, David Riding;" I tackled him and took the picture and hugged it close to my chest.

Pointing to the door, I said, "Get out." I don't let anyone into my life. Tamaki stood there, looking at me. I didn't have my hood. 'What's the point? He's seen them before.' 

"What's your name?" He said bluntly. 'Did he really just ask that?' I was about to say something rude, but I closed my mouth. 'Why do I feel I can trust him?' 

"If you tell anyone, I will kill you. Know how? I will freaking gouge your eyeballs out and feed them to the monkeys at the zoo." I threatened. "Walk with me." I said heading out the door.

After we got out side he said; "You still have your pajamas on." I looked down. 'Shit, that's right.' 

"Too bad." He looked up at me seriously. "What's your name?" I narrowed my eyes. "What makes me want to tell you?" He held the same expression. "Plus, you just want a date with this sexy body, don't you?" His expression changed slightly to shocked.

Not So little Red (OHSHC) ? x ocजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें