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Deciding to break from his thoughts, Taehyung went to find his father. He walked down to the cellar quietly. He didn't want to distrub his delicate craftsmanship. Seeing his father at his work table, he could hear him humming a tune. The music box he was creating accompanied his singing.

"How does a moment last forever?
How can a story never die?
It is love we must hold onto
Never easy, but we try
Sometimes our happiness is captured
Somehow, a time and a place stand still
Love lives on inside our hearts and always will."

Taehyung smiled at his father and walked up behind him, placing a kiss on his cheek. "That was beautiful Papa."

Phillip turned around to look at his son. He saw so much of his mother in his angel. "Why thank you my dear."

Helping his father put together the music box, he started thinking. "Papa, do you think I'm odd?", he asked.

"Odd?" his farther questioned, "My son odd? Where did you get an idea like that?"

He walked around to the front of his work table, "I don't know. People talk."

"This is a small village. You know small minded as well." Taehyung gave him the look as if he didn't believe him. "But small also means save. Even back in Paris I knew a boy like you, who was so ahead of his time. So different that people mocked him until the day they all found themselves imitating him.

Taehyung stood up from where he had sat down. He looked at the dozens of sketches that was a range of baby sketches. He knew they were of him and they were the only recollection he had of his morther. Seeing the portrait on the wall of his mother made him cry even more.

"What was she like? Please just tell me one more thing about her!" Taehyung begged.

Phillip had this conversation with Taehyung all the time. He never told his little son what truly happened to his mother because it was hard on him as well. He had three children, but only one of them seemed to not leave him.

"Your mother was fearless." he smiled, "Fearless. Just like you."

Taehyung sighted, "I wish I knew more about her. I just miss her so."

"As do I, my dear."

Phillip gathered up his things to take to the marked. He closed the music box and walked outside. Not far behind him was Taehyung. He placed it in the wagon while Taehyung made his way around to say goodbye to their horse Maximus.

Taehyung helped his father with the reins as he climped aboard the wagon. "So, what can I bring you from the marked?"

"A rose. Like the one in the painting." Taehyung smiled.

"Are you sure? You ask for that every year and I always feel so bad." his father offered.

"And every year you bring it." he said to him.

"Then I shall bring it." he cupped his son's chin, "You have my word."

He smiled as she stepped away, making his way towards the house, "Bye bye papa."

"Goodbye Angel." he said as he watched him walk up the stairs, "Come on Maximus. You know the way."

"I'll see you tomorrow." Taehyung called after his father as he watched him trot off, "Stay safe."

He knew he was responsible, so there wasn't a trust issue. His problem was with how everyone else treated him. Sure he would keep his composure, but he could see past it. Call it a father's intuition.

Taehyung went back into the cellar and started to sketch ideas of how he could possibly work and smiled to himself. He put everything together and gathered what he needed. Once she was done, Taehyung made his way into the village.


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