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Sorry, there is only one short chapter today. I hope you like it anyway.

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And now I won't let you up anymore and you can finally read the new chapter. > <


Taehyung went to the window, he waited until he knew Gaston had left. Once he was out of sight, he stepped outside to feed the chicken.

"Can you imagine? Me, the husband of that boorish, brainless..." he huffed, picking up the chicken feed.

"Monsieur Gaston, can't you just see it? Monsieur Gaston, his husband, ugh."
he threw the chicken feed angry on the ground.

"No, sir! Not me! I guarantee it. I want much more than this provincial life!"
Taehyung ran outside the boundaries of the town and to the open field. He went there when he was stressed and right now he was just really agitated.

Standing in the middle of the field with no one around him, he sang to his heart's content.
"I want adventure in the great wide somewhere.
I want more than I can tell.
And for once it might be grad to have someone understand.
I want so much more than they've got planned..."

He stood there for a little while and took in the view. It was so beautiful and quiet. No one to judge him and a place where he could express himself. His life was lonely, but fulfilling.

The only things that made him happy were his books and his dreams. He was never able to get the face of the handsome man out of his head. He wanted him to be real so he could get rid of Gaston. Maybe he should finde true happiness with him because he knew Gaston would never provide him with that.

Realizing it was almost sundown, he went back home. He was surprised to see Maximus, her father's horse, but his father wasn't there. The wagon was no longer attached to him.

Taehyung looked around, getting worried as to what happened. He ran inside, looking for any trace of his father. There was nothing. He ran back outside and went to Maximus.

"What happened Max? Are you hurt?" he examined the horse, "Where's Papa? Can you take me to him?"

The horse seemed to nod his head. He gave a nervous smile and mounted the horse. He grabbed onto the reins and pulled him away from the cottage.

"Then take me to him."


The Beauty and the Beast | TaekookΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα