Episode Ten- Choices

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  His hand was trembling against the cold crook of the payphone. Were his thoughts racing because of the copious amounts of coke, or because of the existential terror he felt over what he had just did? Who knows. But what Shiro did know what that this man was probably some bat shit insane prostituite, and this whole day had been a nightmare. 

  He had to call Adam, that was all he knew. Not only had he violated the sanctity of their marriage by raw dogging this half dead Mexican, but he also felt pretty scared and wanted daddy to calm him down. Adam was always good at that sort of thing. Like on their wedding day. Shiro still remembers the feeling of Adam's small hand nestled in his, and the rocking of the boat (They got married on a yacht because Adam is white as fuck).

  But then again... Adam was also the worrier of the pair. So what if he did tell Adam? Just stress him out too? Shiro was in a shit situation, he knew that much from the homeless man spinning on his dick like a beyblade out of the corner of his eye. And who could tell how much longer he'd be here? Now that he had tangled himself in the metaphorical, and literal sense, with a victim, he had to see it to the end. 

  But there was the possibility that Adam could help. After all, he always had more law enforcement connections then Shiro (Once again, because Adam is white as fuck). The F.B.I were no stranger to getting their guys out of deep shit, they could do the same for Shiro, right?

  However, there was still the matter of Lance. Even know, those five letters burned across his tongue like a nasty rash. But like, one of those rashes that has been there so long that it's just become a part of you, y'know? The lanky fucker seemed like not much more then the usual street trash Shiro comes across at first, but now he found himself seeing the young man as more. The first kiss elevated Shiro to a place he hadn't been since his first husband, which of course hurt to admit, but it was true. And the fucking was even better. Lance had obviously had a lot of gay sex before, he was without a doubt a homosexual.

  Finally, Shiro's tired hands tightly gripped the pay phone, as he slid in a coin. 

Kitties and Titties (A Klance Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora