Episode Seven: The Visit

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    It had been two days since Lance had arrived home to police, he hadn't been to the coffee shop since. Primarily because it was shut down by health clerks, but also because he was shaken to the core by the events of that scenario. Innocent Keith? Involved in a shooting? Wild!
   That day Lance had scheduled to visit Keith in the hospital. Everything was well in his apartment after all, the cat was well fed, and his bong was just where he left it. He deserved a visit for all his trouble.
   The police had found there was only one firearm involved, a small pistol. And it belonged to a unidentified attacker who confronted Keith while he was in the elevator. But when Keith attempted to escape out the hallway, the attacker dropped his gun, and it was grabbed by Keith, who shot the man in self defense. This wasn't before the attacker got a few shots in on Keith though. It was, however, unknown why Keith had hid.
   Lance arrived at the hospital in his nicest dress shirt, and Hunk's pants, because they were comfortable and clean. He slapped his hand on the front counter. "I am here to see Keith!" He exclaimed. The woman looked up at him. "Last name?" She asked,  monotone. "Uh, I dunno, Keith?" Lance barely knew this dudes first name, now he was expected to know his last too? "My name is Lance Smith, I made an appointment to see him." Lance clarified. "Lance Smith?" The lady asked, quickly putting on her glasses and look at a list. "Yup. L - a -n-" "I have you right here hun. A young man listed as 'Gregory Costner' has been saying he needs to see you, but has given us no contact information. Room 17B." She said, handing him a pass.
    After making his way down the hallway, Lance arrived at the room. Sure enough, it was Keith, and he was trying to sneak out the window in a hospital gown. He whipped around, and after noticing Lance, broke into a smile. "Lance! Finally!" He ran to Lance. "Quick! What did I tell you my name was?" Lance pauses and stared at him. ".... Keith?" Keith moaned. "Man. Whatever." Before Lance could open his mouth to respond, he looked down, and noticed he was being stabbed. "That white streaked homo F.B.I dude almost got me! I gotta keep my trail a little more thin. Sorry you had to be a causality buddy."
   And just like that, Keith was gone out the window. Lance's boner was insane. Not because he was gay though, because he was scared.

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