Chronos 1

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They had been making their plan with their own star sans when the screen turned back on and they turned to look before their eyes widen with shock and worry at the first part being showed.

Error started to fall into the void after the attack of the ambush finished. He's felt grateful that he foresaw that something might happen to him so he put a force field around the originals and a few other places before this and then Error smirked, "I know you will regret this but I don't regret this, hope most of you that aren't mine suffer!"

Many eyes widen with horror that an error had fallen into the void, especially after being ambushed like that and was pretty hurt.

Though some was like, huh he really thought Ahead and did that...

Starlights eyes narrowed, not liking that multiverse so far, same goes for stardust and other reincarnated or transported.

Then error fully fell into the void, shocking many by both what he said and that he fell into the void. They didn't wish that on anyone because the void is just that horrible.

Chronos hid a chuckle, surprised that they didn't even wish the void to end him, even though it didn't end him.

The others watched with worry, not really wanting this error go through more pain.

Error could feel himself being pulled apart and put back together again, over and over again for a while before he landed on something that felt warm and gently. "Oh my chosen one... how could fate really treat you like this? Do not worry..for you will be somewhere safe..I don't know where you will go after you fall into the portal and I don't know if you'll stay the same'll always be my chosen one even in a different multiverse or omniverse... goodbye my child..until we meet again.." he heard and started falling again, but this time he wasn't being pulled apart and put back together again.

It surprised many but relieved them greatly that this error wouldn't suffer he void until he dusted.

"! Oh so another deity talked to That error..." starlight whispered to himself looking curious as rad looked at starlight for a few seconds before back on the screen.

He smiled as he fell through a portal, disappearing and becoming someone new...someone like fates child.. not that he knew until sometime after he woke up though.

Eyes widen at that, wait becoming fates child? Doesn't that They looked around at the inks in the room, only really seeing a few that's really different then the rest but they already saw starlight and a two of the other inks first part of their life.. they glanced at Chronos with a curious gaze, wondering if that's him...

Especially the nightmares and other the gang along with starlights multiverse.

Error woke up after a while, he sat up and glanced around. He looked at himself to see any difference about him And his bones were white now. He heard a giggle, "my child..I am fate, I made you so you can make other worlds as you please. But be careful to not make too much for their is a limit this multiverse holds." Error heard and almost flinched when he heard she was fate.

Their gazed softened, knowing why he almost flinched at that.

Chronos just stared, wondering how far his first part of his life goes to and when it ends so the next one will start.

He hid it though and then realized who he was. He was ink! Holy..what the flip..does he still have access to his magic when he was error or is it completely different and like inks now? He thought. "Um fate?" He started. "Yes my child?" He heard fate say with joy. "Who am I exactly and where am I?" Error asked. "You are whoever you want to call yourself, you are in between worlds. You can make anything you want here and a lot too since there is a lot of space here. One could call it space less, hehe. It won't affect the multiverse if you make things here and don't wish to make things outside just yet. I got to go now my child, I have things to do but before that, here is a little gift from me to you." Fate said and dropped something as she left.

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