Lets get to it

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I looked at Trevor suspiciously. Yeah me and him got a history but that was wayyyyyyyyyy back.

"Hello Trevor" I said

"Hey Prince". He started walking close to me.

Ray got in front of me protecting me.

Trevor stop and chuckled.

"Really" he laughed "these are your protectors...come Prince you can even hurt them"

"What do you want?" I asked

"Well I heard you were looking for...a moon stone and needed protection" Trevor smiled.

"Ooh sorry not hiring" I sassed.

"Come on Prince...these vamps can't stand a chance against my brother and you know it". Trevor said

He's was right...but he don't know Chres and ray they are different...they're stronger than he think

"Fine" I rolled my eyes

"Ok...excuse me for interruptions but what is a original?" Jacob asked

"Jacob he's one of the first vampires who started...this whole thing" ray said in disbelief.

"Excuse me I didn't study vampire history" Jacob said sarcastically.

"Anyway an original can't be killed by being staked...they only can be killed by an white oak dagger if you keep in their heart.....but if taken out they coming back alive." Chres said

"So basically they immortal" Jacob said

"Yea basically". I nodded.

Trevor looked at Jacob and me.

"So you must be the famous doppelgänger Jacob". Trevor smiled "they really exist"

"Yeah he looks like me" I said "I'm just cuter"

Jacob shot me a look and I gave him a smirk.

"So ..back to the plan" jasmine said

Trevor looked at her

"She just been turned hasn't she?" He asked

"Yea" we all said

"Remind me to stay away from her" he pointed at jasmine

"Why?" I asked

"Because he emotions is too much tied to her strength so she can out power me for now" Trevor said

I looked at chres

"When did jasmine get turn again?" I asked

"Um a month ago" Jacob said.

"Wait then the symptoms been suppose to wore off" Trevor said

"What does this mean?" Chres asked.

"I don't know...i guess she a special vampire for something" Trevor said

"Anywhore!!!....can we just get with the plan please" ray interrupted

"I think that's an good Idea" Jacob said

"Let's get to it the" Chres said.


I watched as Taylor was working.

Ok Daria you can do it you have to do it.

Yeah I'm breaking up with Taylor...i couldn't control myself around him.

I took a deep breath and went toward him.

"Hey" I smiled

"Hey" he smiled.

I saw is heck all bandaged.

"How are you feeling?" I asked

"I'm feeling good but that animal bit the crap out of me" he said smiling


"Oh did they figure out what it was?" I asked

"No but it probably was a wild dog or something" he said

Here goes nothing

"Taylor I think we need to break up" I said

"What why?" He asked

"I just need a break and it's not good to be around me" I said looking down at the floor.

"Daria is this about me getting hurt and you running?!" He asked "because if it is it's not your fault"

"No...its just" I paused

"What?" He asked "are you seeing someone else?"

"No" I said

"Then why do you wanna break up!" He started to tear up

I looked at him I started to cry

"Daria I love you" he said shedding a tear "remember in the tree house when we were ten...you promised if we ever went together that we'll be together forever" he said

I hated seeing him cry.

"I know but things changed" I said crying

"I don't wanna break up!" He shed more tears.

I guess I really have to compel him

"Taylor look at me" I said

He looked into my eyes clearly.

"Forget about us forget about the promise" I begin crying more "forget that you love me...we are just friends nothing more" I finished and I gave him a peck on the lips and walked away. Crying more.


Me and Trevor headed over Kiera's house. We knocked on the door and her grandmother answered.

"Hello Ms. Reed is kiera hear?" I asked smiling

She looked at me and Trevor with weird.

"Sure come in" she smiled "she'll be here in a minute"

We step in and the place was looking nice.

"Make your self comfortable" she said "are you guys thirsty or hungry?"

"Um water please" Trevor said

"Ok honey" she said

"Um can I use the bathroom?" I asked

"Sure I show you the way" she said

I followed her and I went into the bathroom and did my business. I looked around the bathroom seeing some type of blessing writing in a frame. I started reading it.

Blessed our sisters from the other side

Search evil for they will forever hide

For they may bring death

We will cleanse it away with our every breath

What the hell and then it all came to me of course...if Kiera a witch her grandmothers has to be one....oh shit

I walked out the bathroom and went back to the living room

"Trevor we gotta..." I stopped seeing him unconscious.

"You should know better coming in contact with an witch" ms. Reed said

She raised her hand then suddenly my head hurted like hell

"Ahhhh!!!!" I screamed

The pain was too much and then suddenly I fell onto the floor entering a dark state


What the hell just happen




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