Truth revealed

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I had to visit the hospital tomorrow. But I was heading home now. As I got there I went in and then

"Stay away!". I heard Jacob

I ran to the living room

"What is going on?". I said looking at Jacob

"Stay away from me". Jacob said

"What's the matter?". I asked walking to Jacob

"Your going kill me". Jacob said grabbing a wooden stick

"Um my dear brother can I have a word". Ray said nonchalant

We both step in the kitchen

"What happen?". I asked

"Well let's just say your ex friend Elliot sent one of his vampire minions to Jacob" Ray said

I was in rage now

"Oh and yea I tried to compel Jacob and it won't work". Ray said

"Because the little chain I gave him was build with virvain". I said laughing

"Hahaha....get it from him" Ray said coldly

" me try to explain it to him". I said

"Fine". Ray rolled his eyes walking off.

Me and Ray went in the living room. Ray super to speed Jacob and took the wooden stick pushing him on the couch

"Hey!". Jacob said

"You listen to my brother". Ray said leaving

I sat near Jacob

"Look..... listen". I stop "I'm a vampire....but I won't hurt you"

"How would I know?"Jacob sassed

"Because when Ray tried to compel you it wouldn't work..because that chain had virvain". I said

"What's compel and virvain?" Jacob asked cluelessly

"Compel is a power vampires has it controls the human brain....virvain is a flower that is a vampire weakness it stops a vampire power". I explain

Jacob nodded and gave me the continue face

"See Jacob....i didn't expect to meet you but I did"
I said

I urge Jacob face to mines

"I will never hurt you.... please keep this a secret". I said

He didn't answer then I kissed him.

We parted

"Fine". He said

I explain everything else to him.

"So someone trying to kill me?". He asked

"Yea but I'll make sure that person won't" I said

He kissed me and I kissed back. I loved his soft kiss he had plant my lip.

We parted

"I think it's time for me to go home" he said blushing from the kiss

"Ok". I smiled


" Did he do it?". I asked kiesha

She was finishing the helpless girl off draining her.

"He tried to kill Jacob but he died....ray kiled him" she said wiping blood from her mouth

"I didn't say go after the boy I wanted his sister". I said

"Don't worry you'll get her". Kiesha said "I'm just having fun"

"Well less fun....because I want Jacob sister". I said


I was looking through my grandmothers book. It was all this witch craft stuff. Talking about a daylight ring and stuff. It was very weird so I wanted to try a spell.

I sat a candle near my window. I thought about fire and when I open my eyes nothing.

"Come on!". I said to myself

I cleared my mine and focus.

I thought a bout fire. thinking of it sent and of it feel. I felt my skin heat up a little. When I open my eyes nothing. I threw the book to the floor and cut my light off.

"I knew I was just delusional". I said to my self .

I looked at my ceiling and saw a little bright light. I looked towards my window and saw the candle lit.

"You are a witch". I heard a whisper

I gasp and was scared of what I did. But part of me deep inside was happy....


what is going on

Is Kiera really a witch

What do Elliot want with jasmine

I'll update maybe later or tomorrow but if you don't understand something please comment or inbox and I'll try my best to explain...but yeah




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