The myth pt 2

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" two three". I pulled the wooden stake out.

"Ugh god" ray moan. "She's dead"

"Ray stop be lucky she missed you heart". I said.

"Where's the bitch anyway?" Ray asked looking around.

I pointed to the other room and walked to the other room.

"So what the news?" I asked jasmine as she was watching him.

"I can't compel her". Jasmine sighed.

"That's because she's on virvain". Ray said.

"What's her name?" I mouth

"Karla". My sister mouth backed.

"Listen not Prince". I said turning to her "I'm his doppelgänger Jacob"

"Oh...really like suppose to believe that". Karla sassed.

I took off my chain that was made with virvain.

"This chain is made with virvain" I showed.

I went ray and quickly put the Chain on his cheek it's stung him.

" human like you". I put my chain back on.

" sorry". She said

"You should be saying sorry to me hoe" Ray said.

I turn around giving him a look and then back to her.

"Do you know anything about the Prince?" I asked.

"Well not really but his last name Doyal". She said.

"Wait he's has two last name?" Jasmine asked

"Well he's has a fake one and real one". Karla said.

"Ok my turn...what do you know about wolfs". Ray but in

"Wolfs?" I asked.

"If there's vampires there are wolf". Karla smiled. "well all I know it's cursed and they turn into wolf every full moon"

"Can't they control it?" Jasmine asked

"Why do you think it's called a cursed". Karla chuckle.

"But I do know for a fact well it's myth but I believe it.". Karla said

"That is?" I raised a brow.

"A wolf bite its fatal to a vampire" she said

The room got quiet.


It was night time and I couldn't find Daria.

My phone rang and it was Jacob.

"Why have you been blocking me" I answered

"Chres no time for that". Jacob said.

"Did you find the book?" I asked

"about Prince family no about the wolf yes". Jacob answered

"So they are real". I sigh

"Yea...thats not it there's a myth" Jacob said

"What is it?" I said

"A wolfs bite is fatal to a vampire". Jacob "chres I gotta go be careful"

With that I had to really find Daria.


I was deep into the woods with Taylor. We was walking and talking.

"Yeah...where is kiesha?" I wondered I mean no heard from her ever since she got attacked

"She somewhere". Taylor shrugged.

He looked a little so I thought I cheer him up. I push him up on a tree and smashed my lips on his. It took him second to kiss back but he did. All you could hear was our kiss. Then I accidentally bit his lip.

"Ahh!" He pulled away.

"Sorry!" I said

He told his lips

"It's ok it's just a drop of blood" he laugh.

There was the lust It was coming out. I attack his lips sucking the blood off.

His blood taste like hint of sweet sugar and then chocolate

"Chill out!" He push me off but all I did was growled.

"Daria what's wrong with your eyes" he looked at me frighten.

I attack his necked and sucked his blood. i all thought of him not screaming and the something caused me to lick his neck. He started to moan as I sucked his blood. he hug me push me into get more. Suddenly someone pulled me off and threw me on the floor.

"Daria calm down think of calm think of people you love". Chres said.

I did what he told me and the blood lust went away. Then all we heard was a howl of a wolf.

"Taylor stay down we're going to get help and I want you to forget what Daria did". Chres compelled.

Chres turn to me

"I want you to run as fast as you can" Chres said "ok?"

I nodded

He held on to me by my arm and we both vamp speed off. I was wondering what was chasing us.

I stop running stopping him

"What is it?" I asked

"It's a wolf". He said.

I looked at him then I saw Michael.

"Michael?" I frown.

Chres turn around and saw him

"Michael you got get home" Chres said.

"Ok...why are you both together" he asked.

"Michael it's not what it looks like". Chres said

"I don't believe you". Michael said.

I was afraid now I just stand threre being afraid.

"Michael something dangerous out....".

Chres was just caught off by a snap.

" sc..". I was cut off by a wolf tackling me.

"Ahhh! Help Chres" I screamed as it hovered me breathing on my face.


oh no will the wolf bite Daria...

Yay the bitch miss ray



Oh I have a one shot book just go to explain why I made it and blah blah.


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