The begining

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In the town of spring garden its always populated. For there bar and clubs parks it was a famous town. But it was specially famous for its mysterious deaths.

A couple was driving in the dark down the road. The road was dark and was surrounded by trees. The couples was in its mid 30s. The woman was on the passenger side thinking. She had blonde hair and was very beautiful with her blue sea eyes. She was a business woman. On the other hand her husband was just a cheater who cared for her. He had brown hair and brown eyes. The woman was still looking out and she saw a teenage boy on the ground

"Harold pull over there's a boy in trouble". She said worrying

The man took a deep sigh and pulled over. When he pulled over he took off his seat belt

"Stay here ok?". He said

The blonde girl rolled her eyes and nodded.

The man walked too the boy

"Young man....are you ok?" he asked

No answer he bent down to aid to the boy. When he looked at the boy face he felt sorry. But Suddenly the boy attack the man neck and drinking his blood. Then felt the pain but the boy licked his neck making the man adjust to pain making him feel good.

The woman was still in the car. She was wondering what was taking hm to long. She got the car and saw her husband in the ground.

"Harold!". She called to him

But no answer then suddenly she step in a pile of blood and notice it was her husband blood.

"AHHH!". She screamed I. Horror

She starting running but bump into the boy. She took a good look at him. His bloody fangs his black demon eyes and the vains that was showing was black. He was a monster.

The boy grab the woman neck and bit it he was enjoying her blood. The woman screamed and tremble to the ground causing the boy to fall on top of her. The woman press the boy head to her neck to deepen the drinking as her sighted faded.


Hi I'm Jacob Perez and I was born in wait for it spring garden yes! I know. I have a older sister name jasmine. She is 19 years old. her hair was dyed light brown and she looked beautiful with it. Then there was my uncle Danny who in his mid forties. Me and my sister are in his care now because are parents died last year in a boat crash. Yea I'm still trying to get over it. As we reached town it was actually as I left it.

"I gotta Make a pit stop". My uncle said

Me and Jasmine nodded

He parked and got out the car. Me and my sister got out and stretch.

"Welcome back" she said stretching her arms

I crossed my arms looking around. My eyes came to a stop when I saw this caramel boy. He was mmmm oh did I mention I'm gay. I just don't act like it much.

He was staring at me too. like he knew me it was strange. some one called his name

"Chresanto!". Someone called

He turn his attention to him and started walking off. I was kinda sad when he did cause I was starting to like staring at him

"Come on jake lets get home" my uncle said.

We got back in the car and drove home


Ok so I got this idea from a show. Im not gonna say what but just know I'm just making into this version. yea as you see it's supernatural but....yea




Oh should and should I trash or its good

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