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I woke up to jasmine calling me

"Jake wake up you have school" She cut on my light

"I don't wanna go to school". I put the pillow over my head

"I have to go to community college so if I gotta you gotta". She said walking out my room

"Ugh". I groan

I finally pulled my self out of bed. I went to the bathroom and brush my teeth washing my face. When I was done I pulled out some dark jeans and I grab a plain white shirt. I put them on and grab a grey light jacket. I put on some black and white chucks. I grab my shoulder book bag and ran downstairs.

"Kiera is waiting for you hurry up". Uncle Danny said

"Ok" I said as I rushed out side.

"Come on jakey!" Kiera hollered

I got in her  red SUV.

"Hey how are you?". She gave me a light smile

"Ok...actually I'm quite fine". I smiled

"That's great " she  nodded

Kiera was caramel and she had black long hair. She had hoops earrings. She had pink lip gloss on.

"So I see your father gave you the car". I said astonished

"Yes finally....anyway  Michael back and Taylor"

Michael was jock who use to be my best friend but now we are friends. He also put me out the closet so I'm not gonna much call him a "friend."

Taylor is a really nice guy. He's bisexual but really prefer girls. It's just well he attracted to guys too. I don't know he's complicated. Kiera one of my best friends. She keeps me going also she feels in with a good story. How her grandmother believe in magic and mumbo jumbo.

"Oh really?". I raised a brow

"Yup" she smiled.

"Well why we still here start the car". I said

She started driving off

When we got to school it was kids walking around. studying and everything else just like a regular school. But spring high was almost the only high school in the town so it was big.

When Kiera parked her car we got out and was ambushed by my other best friend Daria. Daria Was white and had brown hair. She was like the queen of the school because most boys fell for her or just wanted her. But me and Kiera make sure they back off.

"Hey jacob" she hugged me "I'm sorry for your lost"

"It's ok" I smiled.

" have you seen the new boy Chresanto". She pointed

Me and Kiera back was towards she was pointing.

"Daria stop its rude to po-". Kiera said but was cut off by seeing Chresanto the boy I saw before.

"Damn" Kiera was in a trance

"He's cute isn't he?" Daria gushed

I was watching as he was sneaking looks at me.

I heard the bell ring

"Come on guys let go to class". I said rolling my eyes

When second period was almost ending  I looked at my schedule.  I notice I had Mr. Arthur.   Was he the new science teacher?

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