From the grave~ Andrew

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Hey everyone!
This is an Andrew(gravedigger) x reader, requested by EliaWhite4 her book is really good so you should check her out!
This chapter will contain angsty themes,deppression will be discussed.
You will be a jeweller,meaning you need Diamonds and stones to make special cursed or lucky bracelets and necklaces.
You need to find diamonds and stones around the map.

Andrew POV:

Andrew woke up with a start. He heard banging on my bedroom door. Slowly trudging up to it, Andrew opened it to see Aesop standing there, he looker excited. "G-goodmorning?" Andrew said, stuttering even though Aesop was his best friend. "Andrew! Theres a new girl! She is a jeweller! Melly told me she is in the dining room! C'mon!" Aesop rushed down the stairs, and Andrew followed behind.

Andrew was nervous, he didn't like talking to people as he stuttered and had social anxiety, but especially to girls. There wasnt really a reason, he just got nervous.


You opened the door to the mansion to be greeted by a girl that had a sun hat on, she was wearing a dark green apron, and introduced herself as Emma, the gardener. Other people rushed around you, asking your name and telling you their talents and so-on. That was until a really tall man pushed through the crowd, he was pure white, with a swirl of black on his face. "Greetings, my name is Wu-Chan, may I see your Letter of invitation?" You showed him the letter, Wu-Chan nodded and walked away. You saw a guy with silver hair and a mask at the back of the crowd, and he ran up the spiral staircase. After being introduced to Melly, Norton and Naib, the Silver haired guy reappeared with someone. You couldnt see him very well, but he had White hair, a black coat with green gloves(sorry if I get the description wrong) and was really pale.

After greeting everyone, you knew that the silver haired guy was Aesop Carl, and that the Pale guy was Andrew, the grave digger. You liked Andrew, he had a stutter but you didnt mind. Emily Dyer asked if anyone wanted to give you a tour, and Norton, Emma, Aesop, Mike, Kevin and Fiona put their hands up (this reminds me of school when there was a new kid) and Emily chose Aesop. Aesop looked at you and said "actually, I wanna let Andrew give Y/N a tour>:)" Andrew looked wide-eyed and looked really nervous. Emily looked surprised but accepted the offer. Andrew was to give you your tour.....right away.

Everyone left, leaving you, Andrew and Aesop. Aesop patted Andrew on the shoulder and whispered "you got this" in his ear before grinning and scampering of.

Andrew showed you around the mansion, the dining hall, the hunters corridor, your room, and then the garden. He showed you the different flowers that emma had planted, and the thorn bushes and Scarecrow. You suddenly felt something. You knew there was a  Crystal nearby. "Hey Andrew, can you dig a hole right...there?" He looked confused but got his shovel and started digging.  His shovel hit something hard,and he stopped to see what it was. It was a beautiful rose quartz.

Andrew POV:

Y/N reached down into the hole Andrew dug to get the crystal. "I-im sorry If I damaged it I-I didnt k-k-know it was a c-ry-ystal" he stuttered nervously, worried that he had ruined it. Y/N smiled and hugged him, which caused his pale face to go a bright shade of pink. "Andrew, it's fine, nothing happened" she said, giggling. Andrew nervously smiled, his face still pink. "O-Oh! I f-forgot t-t-t-the match on-board!"

Andrew took Y/N  to the match board, she grabbed onto his wrist so that she could keep up, and his face turned red. He saw the Match board, and checked for today. "Y-you have a m-match with T-tracy, Naib, and L-Luca....." he was disappointed, he had no matches with Y/N until Friday. Suddenly, he felt someone put their arm around his shoulder. He looked beside him and saw Luca, who was grinning. When Luca grinned, he had some sort of Idea. "Heyyyyyyy Y/N! Hi Andrew" he said grinning. "I see you look disappointed with the matches, hm... I think I'll swap with you Andrew"
"R-really?! W-why?"
Luca grinned.
"Welllll.... maybe you and Y/N could get a little closer, ayyyyy?" Luca said, nudging y/n on the shoulder. Andrew blushed and Y/N nodded, and said thanks to the criminal, who ran of, the chain on his neck banging of the floor.

~Time Skip~


This was your first match. You were quite nervous, but you had Andrew with you. The match went well, you were against Mary, and Naib had to save Tracy, but Tracy got sent to the mansion. You got hit by mary on the back, whimpering as blood splattered everywhere. Andrew suddenly appeared, blocking a hit for you. He grabbed your hand and pulled you into a tunnel, and you both crawled under ground. "Thanks!"
"N-no problem!"

The rest of the match went well, you all escaped and You and Andrew were getting closer together. But you could never escape Lucas teasing>:)


Ahhh sorry this one took so long for me to make! I kinda rushed the end because my hand is getting sore from typing haha. I hope you enjoyed:)

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