HOO & YJ Crossover #1

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Happiness Can Hit You Like A Punch To The Face

A PercyJackson/WonderWoman one shot requested by general_jackson. It's probably not as explicit as you'd like, but I still hope you like it. :-)


Percy kneed the woman in the stomach and she stumbled back, winded. Percy in the meantime gasped, trying to get back the oxygen that had been blocked from his lungs. His neck ached from where her forearm had pressed tightly against his trachea.

The break was momentary however, as the woman ran at him, somehow fully recovered. Percy ducked under her powerful punch and rolled to the side, coming up to see the lady with her fist embedded in the wall.

Percy smirked. "You a little stuck there?" He taunted, stepping dangerously close the woman, close enough to smell the strawberry shampoo in her long, luscious raven hair.

The woman growled, continuing to tug at her arm.

"I don't think-" Percy's quip was cut off by a swift elbow to the face. He stumbled away blindly, clutching at his nose which seemed a little more crooked than it had before. Blood gushed like a scarlet river through his fingers and dripped onto the floor. "Ow," was all he could manage before the superhero tugged her fist out of the wall and swung it toward him.


It had gotten to the point where Percy was ready to give up and surrender himself to a life at the bottom of the sea.

Where did everything start to go wrong? Probably when Annabeth died a few years back. But if he wanted to, Percy could trace his string of bad luck right back to the day he was born. Maybe Hera was right, he'd be safer at the bottom of the sea.

Then again, it wouldn't make him any happier.

However, whether it was permanent or not, he needed to get away. His mother had insisted, even booked him a weekend away in Happy Harbour. He didn't protest because clearly, Happy was what Percy needed.

Percy was beginning to regret that decision.

After a single boat trip, Percy had run out of things to do. Guess he should've seen that coming.

So he decided to take a trip into the city, maybe even stop by the Hall of Justice. Yeah. Meet people who chose to do world saving.

The building reminded Percy of a bank - grand marble pillars and tall, elegant windows and glass doors. It radiated a sense of power and prestige that made Percy want to run away back to his modest apartment.

He thought the statues in the entrance were a little much. Like, seriously? Did they think they were the gods?

Despite the off-putting entrance, Percy found himself drawn to the cases of various weapons and defeated villains. He gave a low whistle of admiration. Some of these guys looked pretty tough.

Percy continued his journey through the Hall of Justice. He wondered around until he came across a locked room. Feeling in the mood for a little thrill-seeking, Percy quietly broke the handle off the door and stepped in, only to find a small library.

Boringggg. He groaned, mentally.

He turned to leave when his eyes landed on a pair of thick, metal doors with some kind of warning sign Percy couldn't read.

"Why would they need an elevator in a one-story building?" He wondered aloud as he approached the doors. Just for fun, he rapped his fist lightly against them, the sound echoed through the room.

All of a sudden, the doors swung open and a bright light flooded his vision. Startled, Percy tripped over his untied laces and careered into the bright light as a computerised voice announced, "Wonder Woman - 03."

Percy collided with someone and the two tumbled back until they fell out into an open space.

Groaning, Percy pushed himself to his feet and rubbed his eyes open, trying to get the bright spots our of his vision. When his sight was finally clear, he rubbed his eyes again in disbelief. "Is that...space!?" He gasped.

In reply, a sword was shoved under his chin.

"Who are you?"

Percy glanced in the direction of the voice, being careful to keep perfectly still. In the corner of his vision, wielding the very sword that was threatening to decapitate him, was a woman.

Percy was caught a little off guard by the sky-blue eyes glaring right back at him. The woman's hair was dark and flowing like a river of ink, framing a golden face of (in his opinion) perfect structure. Her stormy expression seemed reminiscent of a daughter if Zeus. In fact, if Thalia had been a princess of some tropical paradise, they would've been interchangeable.

Percy took a brief moment to feel a little queasy that he found someone who looked like his cousin hot.

Sadly for him, the woman took Percy's silence as insubordination and immediately began to attack.

And that was how he ended up fighting a superhero in a secret outer-space lair.


When Percy finally came to, he saw the gorgeous woman again, sat in a chair by his bedside.

He sat up, rubbing his sore jaw and frowned at the woman. "What the Hades was that for?" He demanded.

"For breaking into Justice League property," she answered, her voice regal and melodious to Percy.

"Oh, right. Sorry about that. It was mostly accidental." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he gave the lady a sheepish smile.

She cooked her head curiously, looking at Percy with a questioning gaze. "Who are you?" She asked.

"Percy," Percy answered, honestly.

"You remind me of someone," the lady said, her brows farrowing as she analysed him.

"Errrrr, thanks?" Percy said, unsure what else to add. "Can I ask who you are?"

"I am Wonder Woman."

Percy nodded. "Okay? Do you have an actual name though?"

Wonder Woman bit her lip as she scrutinised Percy with her gaze, like she was testing him. "Diana," she answered after a while.

Percy nodded and smiled at Diana. The name suited her.

"What are you doing here Percy?" Diana asked.

"It was an accident. I was just on holiday and I sorta just fell into this bright beam of light and..." Percy trailed off, but Diana got the gist.

She sighed. "Well, as long as you promise not to attempt to break in again, I can let you go."

Percy's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?"

Diana smiled. "Yes."


Percy left the Hall of Justice with a goofy grin plastered on his face and a swing in his step.

"Diana," he mumbled to himself.

"Will I see you again?" He asked, as Diana pushed him toward the teleporter.

Diana only gave him a sly smirk and leant in close to whisper into his ear. "We'll just have to wait and see."

Percy gently touched his cheek where Diana's warm breath had graced it. They'd see each other again, he decided. He'd make sure of it.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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