The Clone Wars #2

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Temple Escapees

The story of Ahsoka's six younglings at the temple while Anakin and the clones are murdering them all.


Byph cowered behind an overturned lunch table whilst protecting a trio of younglings from blaster fire. The clones marched ever closer, firing their blasters rapidly. Each blast causing one of the children to yelp and huddle closer. Byph was trapped. No support, no way out. He closed his eyes and did his best to comfort the younglings.

Pssshhew. Pssshhew. Pssshhew.

Suddenly, familiar sounds echoed in the hall: lightsabers being activated. He heard them swing through the air and cut into blasters. He heard the clone troopers scream in agony. Suddenly there were no more blaster shots being aimed in their direction.

After signaling the younglings to stay down, Byph raised his head over the table to take a look. He almost cried with relief. His friends were here. He watched Ganodi, Zatt and Gungi cut down the attackers with newfound skill.

The three slowed to a stop and panted to get their breaths back. None of them noticing the clone on the floor who still had hold of a blaster. The clone raised their weak arm to aim at Ganodi, finger on the trigger. Luckily, Byph noticed and activated his own lightsaber, causing the other three to jump. Before any of them could react, the ithorian flipped over the table and stabbed the clone in the wrist, effectively cutting off his hand and causing him to drop the blaster.

"Byph!" They cried and Gungi growled. The four rushed to each other and launched a big group hug.

"I'm glad you're okay," breathed Ganodi as she detached herself from the group.

Gungi growled in agreement.

"Make that three of us," agreed Zatt.

Byph grumbled with the same sentiments then called over the younglings he was guarding. The three aliens peaked over the table then ran around and attached themselves to Byph. One was a tiny gungan girl with pink ears, the other two boys were an ithorian and a mon calamari, each no older than four or five.

Gungi howled in his own language and seven more small children entered the room, having heard the all clear. They were varying ages and species. The youngest being a three-year-old orange twi'lek girl carried in the arms of a seven-year-old rhodian boy. The rhodian offered the twi'lek toddler to Gungi who accepted the burden and placed the young girl on his shoulders.

"Byph, have you seen Katooni or Petro?" Asked Zatt suddenly.

Byph shook his head. Zatt sighed. Gungi growled and pointed to the younglings. "Gungi is right," said Ganodi. "We have to get the younglings out of here first. We can come back for Katooni and Petro after."

Zatt looked as though he was about to argue, but decided against it and nodded reluctantly.

The pack, lead by Ganodi and Gungi, made their way through the halls of the temple with Byph and Zatt bringing up the rear. "We just have to hope we don't run into any clones," whispered Ganodi. Gungi nodded in agreement.


Katooni and Petro also made their way through the halls searching for any surviving younglings as well as their friends.

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