Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #2

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Over the Edge

Season 4, Episode 25: Requiem - Ending rewrite.


With the flick of his wrist, the wire pulled taught on Shredder's ankle and Splinter sent the armoured monster tumbling over the edge of the building.

"You did it sensei!" Raph remarked with a pained grin, hanging limply off of April who breathed a sigh of relief.

Splinter smiled. He had protected his family from the monster that Oroku Saki had become. "Let's go home, my family." He stepped towards them with outstretched arms.

April sensed him a split second before she saw him. "SPLINTER!" She screamed, dropping Raphael and stretching both her hands out towards the monster, who had clawed his way back onto the rooftop. But she was tired and battered and the Shredder was not. Her powers would only buy them a second or two.

But that was all Raphael needed.

Even in his injured state, he was able to fling himself at his father, throwing them to the ground. At that moment, the Shredder broke free from April's hold and drove his knives downward.

The knives shattered against the shell they connected with, but not without causing extreme pain to the red-clad turtle. He cried out as his shell was scratched with deep and unnatural grooves.

Shredder snarled, picking up Raph and tossing him away like a piece of trash into the brick wall of the stairwell. Effectively knocking him out when his head collided with it at alarming speed. He slumped into a sitting position with his head against his plastron.

Splinter called out for his son then looked back at the Shredder with a glare of pure hatred. He kicked up, aiming his feet at Shredder's face. The monster's head snapped back and he was forced backwards. Splinter wasted no time in following up with quick, unseen jabs to every spot of the Shredder's body.

Meanwhile, April ran over to Raph in a panicked state. She hurriedly placed her fingers on his neck, checking for a pulse. She almost cried with relief when she felt the weak but steady rhythm beneath her fingertips. She calmed herself down and tried to focus on waking Raph. She closed her eyes and lightly pressed against his temples. She could wake him up; she just needed to stir his conscience.

Splinter continued to assault the Shredder mercilessly, marking his pressure points with stab wounds and bite marks. The armoured monster was forced backwards, towards the edge in a pained daze.

But perhaps not as dazed as Splinter thought.

Splinter flicked his tail, meaning to push Shredder over the edge. The scaly pink weapon collided with Shredder's chest and would've sent him over the edge had he not caught it. Using the tail, Shredder swung Splinter around a few times, then slammed him into the concrete.


Then Splinter was flung over the edge.


Leonardo hurriedly pulled out his telescope and aimed it at the roof of the building. He could just about see his sensei engaging the Shredder. He grinned, that monster couldn't see to get a hit in. Splinter was fighting with a ferocity and fire Leo hadn't seen before.

Why was his sensei so angry? Then it occured to Leo that Raph wasn't fighting alongside Splinter.

He paled.

He was about to order everyone to the top of the building when he saw his sensei get tossed over the edge. He screamed and ran to intercept him, but Leatherhead was already on it.

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