Crossover: PJO & MLB

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For the benefit of this story and all of its English-speaking readers, everyone in Paris now speaks English. The purpose of this isn't to offend any French people or Parisians (and I hope it doesn't), or because I think English is a better language (which I don't) nor is it because I don't like the language (I personally do like it) but it's purely for the story to flow better without language barriers between characters and so that I don't have to put in translations. Sorry again if this causes any offence.



Percy and Annabeth's dinner in Paris (Complements of Hermes).


Percy began to wish that all the gods were as grateful as Hermes. Not many of them decided to give gifts after having magical items retrieved for them. And dinner in Paris, well, let's just say that saved Percy's butt.

Annabeth walked beside him with a content smile on her face. Percy could imagine the scowl that would be there if Annabeth thought he'd forgotten their three month anniversary. He chuckled to himself.

Annabeth looked at him curiously. "What?"

Percy only smiled and shook his head. "Nothing. Just..."

"Just wha-?" Her question was cut off when water was splashed into her face. Beside the couple, a stream of water had flown from the Seine and into Annabeth's face. In one, jagged motion, Annabeth swiped the drips from her face, along with her smile.

"Perseus Jackson," she growled.

Percy gulped and the cheeky grin slid from his face. "Uh oh."

"You have three seconds. 3."

"Three seconds to what?"




For one, silent moment, Percy and Annabeth locked eyes. In the next, her scowl had turned into an evil smirk. And the one after that, Annabeth shoved Percy with all of her might into the Seine.

Percy was so caught off guard by her action that he hadn't even processed where he was going to fall, or think to stay dry. Cold water drenched his clothes and filled his lungs, obviously not fatal in his case. He hit the sandy bottom and huffed, before kicking up to the surface. His head broke through to Annabeth laughing hysterically. Percy pouted, causing her laughter to increase dramatically.

Percy grinned at his hysterical girlfriend. After glancing around to see if anyone was around, he leapt up, using the river to aid him, onto the bank beside Annabeth. She wiped the joyous tears from her eyes and smiled warmly. "Come on Seaweed Brain. We have a dinner to get to."

Percy shook his head like a dog, spraying Annabeth with river water and making her yelp. He then willed the droplets to unsoak from his clothes and body and flow back into the river. After drying off, he placed his fingers through Annabeth's and the happy couple walked further along the banks of the Seine, toward the Eiffel Tower.

Marinette watched them go. Her jaw hung open and her eyes bulged. Her hands seemed to slip as she manoeuvred herself to see them, and she almost fell off the bridge. In fact, she would've done if Alya hadn't caught her by the back of her jacket.

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