Heroes of Olympus #2

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Final Goodbye

A last message from the fallen heroes. Requested by Posidens-Daughter. I hope you like your character.


The bonfire wasn't as bright as it usually was. The once strong, purple flames were now weakened to a gentle, orange flicker despite the extra people and the flames only reflected the dismal mood of the camps.

Percy observed this sadly. It was hard to celebrate new friendships in wake of the freshly lost ones. And perhaps even the older lost ones.

He had a list in his head. Not one he liked to look at or think about, but it was always there. A list of friends he could've, possibly saved. A lot of people would say that loss is a part of life. But why was it so present in his? Just because he had an absentee father? Percy scoffed.

All his friends had died too young - Bianca, Zoë, Fletcher, Castor, Beckendorf, Yew, Selina, Luke, Leo, not to mention countless others who'd died in countless battles. And allies he'd lost as well.

All of the losses should've broken Percy - all of the demigods really - and quite possibly, they had. But that didn't mean that they weren't still going. They were, somehow, still going.


"Now this is just depressing," Castor remarked as he watched the flames die out through the window.

Beckendorf nodded in agreement.

"What if we could just head over, say hi?" Selina wished.

Luke snorted. "Riiight. 'Cause that'd go down great with the big guy." He jabbed towards the palace with his thumb.

"I'm sure there's some way of sneaking out," Selina mused.

"I say it's worth a shot," Fletcher said with an obvious wink. Everyone groaned at the lame pun.

Zoë just frowned. "I don't see the humor." Phoebe giggled at her friend's cluelessness.

Luke sighed at the optimism. "Dreams are fine. But the fact is, we are stuck here," he pointed out.

"Dreams?" A huntress repeated with a thoughtful look on her face.

Yew eyed the girl curiously. "What's that supposed to mean?"

The brunette grinned, flashing pearly white teeth. "It means, you guys focus on what you want to say, I will get us transportation." And with that she ran back to her house.

"Is that strange behaviour?" Castor wondered.

"Considering that you're a guy who's addicted to Schloer? No, it's not," Fletcher teased.


Sarah watched her brother who was slumped over, staring blankly at the dying embers of the bonfire.

"You should talk to him," someone behind her suggested.

Sarah turned around to Annabeth and sighed. "He's never even met me before. Did you even tell him he has a sister."

"I didn't. I thought you'd want to tell him yourself," Annabeth rebutted. "Besides, he's feeling down. We all are."

"Then shouldn't you-?"

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