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💥Boom Boom Boi💥

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💥Boom Boom Boi💥

3RD POV: At lunch Y/n was showing Denki some new tricks with their quirk. 

Y/n POV: Denki sat next to me, while Bakugou sat across from us thank you it was a flirting with me. I didn't mind since Denki flirted with everything that breathes. His hand started crawling up my leg to my inner thigh. Bakugou notice and kicked him from under the table without even looking up from his food. "So Y/n, are you a virgin?" Bakugou and I choked on food. "Excuse me? Wtf kind of question is that?!" I stood up slamming my hands down on the table as the table shook. I was about to beat this mf up when Bakugou grabbed him by his collar, picked him up, and then dropped him. He dragged me into the janitors closet. "I could've handled him by myself! I don't need any of your" He slammed his lips into mine, "No one gets to talk to you like that understood?" I was stunned. "W-what just happened?" "Wow you really are a Dumbass huh? I like you..." He muttered. "I... You what?" You teasingly asked, walking out of the closet. "I like you! Happy?!" I kissed his lips. "Very. You owe me a fight." "WDYM?" "Oh my sweet pop rock I was about to throw hands with pikachu" We walked back to glass hand and hand. "Yay! You finally get a boyfriend!" Deku cheered.  "I will doing house you ass, little boy!" That was the rest of the class, me chasing my cousin around as Mina and Kacchan tripping him.

  "I will doing house you ass, little boy!" That was the rest of the class, me chasing my cousin around as Mina and Kacchan tripping him

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❄Half 'n' Half🔥


Y/n was switching books for their next class, as Shinso came up to them. He always has stalked them ever since the first day. They never really noticed or cared, they don't think there's a reason that they're stalked. "Um, Y/n could I talk to you outside?" They nodded and he took them to their "special" spot on campus. I stayed behind a wall near them. He must have been confessing, it was the only thing that really made sense with his behavior. I was going to today too. I felt the air start to get hotter and realized it was me, my fireside. Y/n started to notice the heat and brought a breeze to the two. He took their hands into his and took a deep breath. "Y/n, I-" "Y/n, come here for a sec." I took their hand away from Monoma and to my locker. "Just read this." I handed them a letter confessing my love for them. I've liked them ever since we met, I wrote all our good memories together, our classes since the first day, and what I would do for our first date. I started walking to the next class that we had together. They ran up beside me reading the letter. They randomly stopped in the hall, I continued walking to class. "Todoroki-Kun, you okay?" I felt Midoriya place his hand on my shoulder. "Yes, I'm fine, Midoriya." I shrug his hand off my shoulder. "Hey Shoto, can I talk to you about this assignment? There are a few grammar mistakes." Y/n showed the letter. They led me to their locker, "Y/n I know you may not feel the same but, could we still see each other as friends?" They looked me straight into my eyes as they said the one word I didn't want to hear from them in this conversation. "No" I started to walk away embarrassed, as they grabbed my shoulder. "I wasn't finished, dummy. I only want to see you as my boyfriend. I mean if you don't want to... Deku's always had a thing for me." They waved to Midoriya. He blushed a little and waved back. "Y/n,... if we do date we're going to have to keep it a secret for a while. My father would not approve of this, and you know how he gets." They pulled their and to their heart, "To the grave, peppermint."

💚Sweet Sweet Boi💚

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💚Sweet Sweet Boi💚


"Y'know I think Bakugou's confessing to y/n. I can't believe I'm leaving her alone for this long. I wonder what they're gonna say. They like him and um someone else." "Oh, who else do they like?" "Oh, no one IDK why I said that LOL" "I gotta go to the bathroom be right back." I ran to her locker. Y/n is mine! Hopefully, I can talk him out of it before he gets to them. "Kacchan! Wait, I have a question! So your gonna ask, y/n?" "Ask what?!" If I kept asking these questions we're gonna be here all day. "I think you and Uraraka would make a cute couple. And you guys get along! I'm asking y/n out." he stuck his hand out infront of me. "You're asking y/n out?" he said in a low grimacing voice. "Um, yeah! Even though we had a bit of a rough start I'm sure-" "Ha! Have you ever met her? They're in our group, the fun people. Not those rule-obsessed nerds!" "Hey guys, watcha doin?" Y/n came skipping up to us. I took this as my shot, "IreallylikeyouY/n!" I said as fast as I could. She just looked at me then at Kacchan. "Umm, okay? I guess I like you too?" Their face started to turn a bright red. Kacchan growled and stomped outside. We heard a couple of explosions coming from outside. "Um, let's pretend we didn't just hear that. Could we like to go on a date sometime?" I asked. "Sure here's my number. Call me when you figure out the details byeeeee!" She skipped over to Mina. After a couple of seconds, Mina's fist pumps the air looks at me and gives a me thumbs up. At this point, y/n ran to the bathroom out of embarrassment. She's so cute!

 She's so cute!

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Y/n POV (you kinda confessed already but whatever)

"But it's the last week of summer, Sam!" I was begging Sam to go to the fair with me. We were at the pool, she was tanning and I was waiting for her to swim with me. "No, I don't think Kirishima would like that to be honest." Sam was going on a date with a guy named Ejiro Kirishima. It was a long-distance for a while but now they both live a town over from me. "What?! Kiri would love this! Even I know that." The fairs only gonna be here for a week. I want to go all the time though. "There will be rides, games, food! Sam. THERE WILL BE. FRIED DOUGH!!!" (sorry I was craving fried dough during this) "I mean fried dough is awesome. Fine. We'll go.." "VICTORY DANCE! WHOOP WHOOP!!" "...only if it's a double date" "bish what. Oh well, I guess you don't have to go. I can't go by myself. Besides, who will I even go with?" "Why don't we go together, Y/n?" I turn around to see Pikachu. "Oh as friends okay." "No, no, no, ill have you know that I remember what you did right before you met this chick. You. Kiss. Me. So now I must repay the favor." "What kiss?!" the stupid plastic bitch came back. "I kissed her duh. What you thought we weren't? Just look at us!" He wrapped his arm around mine. "What repeat plez" I was honestly so confused, not that it was like a million degrees, and my head felt like fire. "We're dating right?" he asked me. He looked like he actually thought we were dating. "No I mean idk its honestly up to you." I thought he would say no. "Really?! I've wanted to ask you before you left and then you kissed me and was waiting for you to come home and then-" he short-circuited.

Ill have to make part 2! Sorry!

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