First Dates💋

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A/n-Some of these are more detailed and longer than others sorry!

So... these will be in parts like 2 in one page and like 1 in the next depending on how long they are and im sorry for that

💥Blond Pomeranian💥

F/P= favorite food place MOVIE NIGHT

Bakugou picked you at 9:00, and handed you a bouquet of roses. He didn't know what to do so you said you two could decide on the way. You both made it back to his house to plan. "Hmm, we could just do something here if no one's home. If that's fine if there's something else planned." You were looking around his room touching almost everything in sight. "HEY! Dont touch that!" You were holding a figurine, "Make me..." He grabbed the toy and kissed you, hard. So hard the force pushed you into his bed. (Don't worry no lemon here) You were a blushing mess, he looked at you and started laughing. It amused him how caught off guard you were. "Don't flatter yourself! We weren't gonna do anything anyways. Oh my god your face was hilarious!" Boy if you dont shut your dumb ass up I swear to god-"Anyways what movie do you want to watch? We have uhhh... I dont really know to be honest hehe." "... How about Netflix? We can pick up food at Chick-Fil-A, get the movie, and... hang out i guess?" He thought about it. It wasn't the date he really wanted, he wanted to do something that reminded you of when you used to hang out. You two got your food and brought it back to watch the movie you both picked. It was obviously an action movie (you can choose idk what to do). You both watched and you were so into the movie you didn't notice Bakugou's arm wrap around you. His parents came home around 11:00, you both were asleep on the couch and she woke you up and brought you home. If you're a heavy sleeper then it probably took a couple minutes, and a little fussing and dragging. If you're a light sleeper it was just; "Wake up, I need to get you home..." "dchachb....." "Tf" "cdbchj, do i have to?" "Yes now get in the car."

#1 Daddy Issues🔥

You and your mother were sitting in the living room, her braiding your hair into two braids. You hear a knock on the door, you were going to get up off the floor but your mother insisted that she would get the door. She wanted to meet this boy who her daughter actually let come to her house in the middle of night. You were very paranoid and almost never dated since your dad was a jerk and you were afraid it would scare them. When you did go on a date it was always when your dad was at work and they NEVER came over, ever. Your dad did not like boys, he barely liked you after all. Your mother opened the door to see the two haired boy she knew was Endeavors son. "Oh! It's you." You chuckled, you think your mother was impressed. Probably from the fact you two found each other again. "Hello ma'am. I apologize for the timing for this but we couldnt find another time good for both of us considering some circumstances." He looked over your mothers shoulder to see you grabbing your sunglasses and heading out.

He stole his brother's car, idk what Natsuo drives. He took you to McDonalds because you made him. He wanted to spend money on you but you were craving chicken nuggies (i am too gurl). You two sat in the car listening to music, eating, and talking about what happened when you guys were apart. He kept checking his phone to make sure he doesn't make a bad impression on your mom. Your dad is a legit piece of shit so he doesnt give a fuck who you date or anything. Todoroki envys you of that lol. Even though you two didn't get to talk much when you were around before, you still had a lot of stuff to talk about now. He brought you back around 2:00 AM, your mom was fine since she knows the whole situation too. You slept till like 4:00PM, your dad interrogated you but your mom came in luckily😑.

Next Part: Deku

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