you dont love me! But..

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     after everyone was finished with breakfast Emma walked down the halls and stopped in front of a big brown door. The library. She was waiting for Ray when she heard a familiar voice from behind.

"Emma!" A blond haired girl yelled. Her name was Anna.

"Hi Anna! I'm waiting for Ray."

"Oh! Hey Emma want to have a sleepover in my room with Gilda tonight?!" Anna started jumping up and down in excitement.

"Yeah! Sounds like fun. I'll come by your room in a bit." The blonde girl was very excited. She skipped down the hall heading back towards her room.

"Did she say yes?!" The green haired girl from earlier asked excitedly.


"Oh I'm so gonna ask her about Ray! We should invite him and play truth or dare!!" Gilda had an idea of how to get them two together. Anna thought it was a good idea. They went to find Ray and found Emma sitting quite close to him in the library. They were reading a book, together. It was a sight for sour eyes.

"awwww" Anna and Gilda whispered while still looking at the pair. "Let's go! Before they see us." They both started heading back to Anna's room. They saw Emma behind them going to the same room. Already done with their book? Anna thought to herself.

"Hi girls!" The orange headed girl excitedly screamed. Emma was quite screamish and sometimes they found it annoying. They still love Emma though, even Ray. Emma saw saw Ray walk into the same room that she did at the same time. They both tried to get in the door at the same time as well.. that didn't work out good.

"Ah!" Emma yelled. She walked back and glanced at Ray in shock that he was in the same place as her.

"Well? Go on in" the ravin haired boy told Emma annoyed.

"Right!" She tried to go in again but it was like she couldn't move her legs. Like something was stopping her.

Ray was annoyed at her at this point so he tried to go in the door once again. They both did.

"Ack! Emma!!" They tried to go in the same time. Once again got stuck.

"I'm sorry!!" She finally walked in the room and sat on the farthest bed away from Ray. Gilda and Anna were determined to get them closer.

"Wanna play truth or dare?" Gilda finally broke the silence.

"Sure why not." Ray sighed.

"Yeah.." Emma got up and sat on the ground where Gilda and Anna where. They all sat in a circle.

"I'll go first. Emma! Truth or dare?" Anna asked Emma first in hope to get something out of her.

"Dare!" Emma yelped.

"I dare you.." Anna was trying to think of what to dare Emma. Something that would bring Emma and Ray closer. A kiss! She thought. "I dare you to kiss Ray!!" She exclaimed.

"I.. um.." Emma stared at Ray. Then looked back at Anna. The blond girl had a proud smile on her face. Gilda was also happy about this.
Ray looked at Emma.

"It's just a dare.. right? We are just friends it shouldn't be a problem." Ray smirked but he tried to hide his blush.

"Um.. yeah! You're right.." Emma blushed. Ray could see her red tint to her face. It made him blush even more. These past 3 weeks he had been starting to think that he had been developing a crush on Emma, he was trying to deny it though. He wanted to only see her as family. Norman had been talking to him about it. Norman kept trying to tell Ray that it's okay to have a crush on Emma. Not everyone at the house felt the same way about everyone.

"I'm sorry emma."Where stories live. Discover now