"I love you" she said.

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     Emma started to cry again. She started to remember all the times Anna had told Emma that she loved her. She loved to hear the sound of her high pitched voice, it was soothing. She didn't understand. Why would somebody do this? Why would Alice or Ruby do this? Emma didn't do anything to them.

                      the next day

Ray saw Anna walking down the hall, he tried catching up to her.

"Anna." Ray stopped her by grabbing her shoulder.

"Ray." Anna greeted him.

"What's the real reason you're mad at Emma. It's not because Alice or Ruby told you. What's the reason." Anna sighed.

"Mama said she would get shipped if I kept being her friend. She knows me and her kept going to the gate and it was my idea. I took the credit. That's the reason, happy?" Anna walked away. Rays eyes went wide. He couldn't believe it. Yes, this week has been hectic but this.. was so odd. Ray ran to go find Emma. He saw her in her room, door open.

"Emma!" Ray ran to her and hugged her.

"Ray? What's wrong?" Emma asked with a worried tone. He told her everything. "Oh..." When she remember all the times Anna had told the orange haired girl that she loved her, Emma realized that she really did. She would risk her own life for Emma's. Emma looked at Ray and grabbed his cheeks yanking him into a kiss. "Thank you, Ray!"Emma excitedly ran out of the room. Ray smiled, he loved seeing her smile. He assumed that she was going to find Gilda to tell her the exciting news.

Emma found Gilda in the library.

"Gilda!" Emma told her the whole story. Gilda was going happy that she didn't have to kill anyone, but at the same time disappointed. Gilda had memorized 5 ways to burry a body.

"This is great!" Gilda exclaimed. "Woah, Anna is such a good friend" Gilda said with sarcasm. Emma couldn't understand sarcasm. She shrugged it off.

"Yeah! I found out that Anna really does love me the way she says!!" Anna has always loved Emma as a friend. It was sweet.

Gilda was hoping the Emma didn't want to talk about yesterday.

"Well, I'm gonna go! Bye Gilda!!" Emma walked off skipping down the hall.

"Anna!" Emma happily said. "Ray told me! I'm so happy you actually
aren't mad at me!" Anna smiled, that smile slowly turned into a frown.

"Don't tell mom that you know. I have to act mad so she doesn't ship you, okay?"

"Got it!" Emma smirked. Anna ran off in an opposite direction of Emma. Emma went to her room and started listening to music on her record player. "I'm so happy." She smiled and closer her eyes. She layed down and felt so relaxed. She felt good. For once it felt like everything went away, it was just her in the world. She realized she should share this moment with Ray. He needs it. She quickly ran out of the room.

"Ray! Come listen to music with me!!"

"How ca-" Emma cut him off, she grabbed his arm and ran to her room.

"This!" She pointed to the record player.

"Oh cool." He sat on the bed. She played the music and cuddled into him. It felt nice.

"This is nice Ray. Thank you" Ray hummed along to the music. She loved his voice. He had trouble going to sleep, though for Emma she went to sleep quite quick. It was Just them. It felt like they were dancing in their sleep. It was so quiet. They felt so comfortable in each other's arms.

"I love you Emma." Ray whispered and began closing his eyes.

I didn't know what to do with this chapter so I'm sorry it's so short. I'm not In a good mental state rn a lot is going on. Currently living on a thin thread but I will try to post a new chapter when I get the motivation to.

My crush told me she liked me and then a day later said it was a joke 🥲 and yes I'm a girl and I like a girl what about it? 🙄

Should I write a todoroki and deku story? Let me know.

anyways as always I hope you guys enjoyed <3

&quot;I'm sorry emma.&quot;Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora