i cant live without you.

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Emma was running as fast as she possibly could into the forest. She had flashbacks of all of her and Rays moments together. Her tears falling from her eyes going into the wind. Her hair flying in the wind. Nobody was even looking for her. She went as far into the forest as she could. Nobody cared. If they did they'd be looking for me. I can't believe Ray would do this. I cant deal with all of this pain. First I'm stressing over the escape. Then Phil is getting shipped in two months. Norman gets mad at me for a littlest things. And now this. I cant. I'm a nobody. Nobody loves me. "I can't live without him." She says to herself. She expected Norman to come looking for her but nobody did.

She took the knife and stared at it. The put it up to her throat. Then dropped it. Maybe she was being too dramatic about all this. She bent down to pick up the knife. She held it against her arm and squeezed her eyes shut. She almost cut her skin. She didn't. She stared at the knife. She was tempted. She thought she deserved this. She thought she deserved the pain.

Meanwhile, Ray is looking for Emma everywhere in the house. He couldn't find her.

"Norman! Where's Emma!?" Ray asked worriedly.

"Ray! I don't know I thought she was with you in the library! I thought I heard you- Ruby?" He saw Ruby run beside Ray. Norman gave Ray a death stare.

"Knowing Emma Shes probably in the forest!" Norman started heading out the door when Gilda stopped him.

"Where are you going? It's not break time is it?"

"No I'm going to find Emma. That bitch Ray cheated on her."

"I'm coming with you! I need to comfort Emma. Then I'm going to kill Ray." Gilda and Norman walked out of the door. They both Ran into the forest as fast as they could. "We should spit up! She could be anywhere." They went there separate ways.

Emma held the knife to her stomach this is fine. I have a 50, 50% chance of surviving. I don't care either way. Gilda saw Emma in the distance.

// Self harm is over//

What is th- " EMMA! NOO" Gilda started running faster to try to stop Emma. Gilda was too late. "Oh my goodness.. NORMAN!!" Gilda screamed as loud as she could. Norman ran to Gilda. He thought she saw a demon but this.. was even worse.

"EMMA! hurry stop the blood!!" Norman ripped the sleeve of his shirt and held it against Emma's stomach. Gilda watched as Emma was laying there.

"Is she... dead?.." Gilda whispered.

"I don't think so. She still had a pulse. Very little though. DAMMIT RAY." Norman was already mad at Ray. He never thought he was the type to cheat on somebody. "We should hurry to get her back to the house" They both ran and ran as fast as their legs could handle. Norman carried Emma bridesmaid style.

When they got into the house Norman saw Ray by the door. Norman didn't care he ran past Ray.

"What the hell happened to her!?" Ray asked Gilda.

"Damn Ray! you! You happened!! I can't believe you. She's dying because of you! How stupid are you?" Gilda scolded Ray. Ray felt bad. He did regret what he did with Ruby. Ruby smirked at Ray.

"What Ruby? Are you happy about this?"

"Yes in fact I am" Ruby said while walking away. She got Alice. "Emma is dying. We did it Alice. We killed her." Alice got very excited.

"Yes! That rat got what she deserved." Alice interlocked her own hands together with a proud smile.

Norman was in the infirmary with Emma. Ray wanted to come in but nobody let him in because he is the one that caused this. "Why cant i come in?" Ray just wanted to see Emma.

"Because you're the one that caused this you idiot!" Norman shot back. Norman was furious with Ray. "How could you do something like this? You knew how much pain she was in when you kissed Alice even when you guys weren't even together! Even if she didn't walk in on you guys she still would've found out somehow. You're an IDIOT! Emma is the purest person I've ever met. How could you hurt someone like that? This much?"

"I'm sorry! It was the heat of the moment. I didn't mean to." Ray shot right back at Norman. Thinking that he was right.

"You dummy! Cheating isn't an accident! Even if you didn't mean it or it was the heat of the moment it was a choice!! Now go away." Norman walked back into the room that Emma was in, slamming the door on Ray.

"Dammit!" Ray was mad at himself. He knew Ray was right.

A few hours later

Anna walked out of the infirmary. "Ray. Come in. But first. Why?"

"It.. it was the heat of the moment."

"A choice. mm. I see, come in." Ray walked into the infirmary. He saw Emma, unconscious. He felt a wave of guilt fill his body. He sat in a chair next to the bed Emma was laying in.

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry Emma" He whispered. He knew she couldn't hear him.

Emma's eyes fluttered open. Ray gasped. "Emma! I'm so sorry it was the heat of the moment and I wasn't thi-." He got interrupted by Emma.

"Ray.. stop." She touched her wound and winced. "I told myself I couldn't live you.. I meant it. Here we are." Emma closed her eyes again waiting to take her last breath. "Goodbye Ray."

"Emma no." Ray couldn't bare the thought of her dying. How could Ruby be happy about this? "Emma please! Stay with me! EMMA!"

"I'm sorry Ray." She went unconscious again. He couldn't tell if she was asleep or dying.

"Norman!" Norman rushed to the room.

"Ray! What did you do?!"

"I didn't do anything! She was saying she couldn't live without me and how she meant it and then she said goodbye!" Norman tested her pulse.

"She is fine. She should be better by tomorrow. It'll just be a scar by then. Good thing it wasn't a huge one." Ray sighed in relief.

"I'm really sorry Norman."

"Don't say sorry to me idiot. I'm going to be really mad at you either way." Norman was like Emma's brother. He was very protective over her.

The next morning

Emma woke up. Dang it. She thought. Ray was sitting next to her. He was asleep still. She got up but flinched in pain. "Ow!" She whispered she didn't want to wake Ray up. She walked to a window and it was dark. She saw the sun rising. She walked out of the room to go into her own room.

"Emma?" Ray woke up. "You shouldn't be up. You might get hurt."

"Says the person that cheated on me." She said very mad. Ray sighed and looked away.

"Look I'm sorry. I'm very very sorry. It won't happen ever again I promise it was just in the heat of the moment. Can we stay together? Please Emma I love you." Emma looked at Ray. He.. he loves me..

"Ray.. I forgive you. If this happens again we are done. For good." Ray smiled and nodded. "I'm going to my room" Emma walked out of the room. Ray followed. "Are you following me?"

"No I'm going backwards. Yes I'm following you Emma, I'm a making sure you get to your room safe."

"Ray I'll be fine" she said turning around with a straight face. He knew she was still mad at her. He leaned in. She pushed him back.

"What was that for?" Ray said getting up.

"Your mouth has been on Ruby I don't want your mouth anywhere near me until you washed it." Emma was annoyed.

"I already washed it dummy."

"Are you lying?"


"Goodbye Ray. Have a good night." She walked into her room and later on her bed thinking about him.

ah! I'm mad at myself for doing this but it seemed more entertaining 😭 anyways- um I hope you enjoyed <3

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