Club gone wrong ( H.H )

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You and Harry would at a party with the rest of your friends and his brothers. You were having a really good time just letting loose for just one night. You and Harry have had been so caught up in work that when Tom had invited you two to come out with them to the club you and Harry said yes since the both of you haven't seen anyone for what felt like forever now.

So now here you were dancing with Harry having the time of your life while everyone else was at the VIP table drinking you and Harry just wanted to dance, you and him were a couple drinks in and you both felt amazing having the time of your life with him by your side.

You and Harry were dancing when he went to go get another drink, " Are you going to be okay for a while?" Harry said looking down at you while your back was pressed against him. " Yeah, I'll be fine." You yelled over the music, Harry gave you a kiss before he left the dance floor to get another drink.

While you were still on the dance floor you felt someone come up behind you while you were still dancing, you thought that it was Harry behind you so you just went with it still dancing with your back on his front.

The more you danced the more you felt off, you went to turn around and that's when you saw that you were't dancing with Harry it was a guy you have never seen before. " Oh, I'm so sorry I thought that you were my boyfriend." You yelled over the music trying your best to get away from him. 

Before you could leave he grabbed your hand pulling you back into him, You let out gasp when he pulled your hand which was a little to rough. " I don't see him anywhere." The man said getting in your face. When he talked to you you smelled the beer that was on his breath every time he said something to you.

" He just went to the bar to get a drink he'll be right back." You said trying your best to get away from this man that wouldn't let go of you. " Oh, come on baby the party is just now getting started." He said getting closer to you if that was even possible. "  Can you just get off of me." You said to him while he was trying to dance with you.

But before he could get any father with you someones hand was on his shoulder yanking him away from you, his hand let's you go you back into someone and it was Sam. " Hey are you good?" Sam asked looking all over you. " Yeah I'm good where is Harry?" You asked Sam. 

Sam pointed behind you, you look at where he was pointing at and it was Harry who was the one who got that man off of you. " Look mate that was my girlfriend who you had your hands on so if I was you I would leave and not come back in here." Harry said to him with a mad look on his face witch meant that hem was very pissed off.

The man nodded his head and Harry let's go off him and he runs into the crowd. Harry looks your way and comes up to you make sure that your okay he was looking all over you to see if that guy hurt you anywhere. " Did he hurt you?" Harry said looking at you. " No he didn't I'm good he just wouldn't let go of me." You said going into Harry's arms he opens his arms so he could hold you to let you know everything was going to be okay.

" I'm so sorry love." Harry said to you while you were still in his arms. " It's not your fault Harry we both didn't know that was going to happen." You said to him after he let go of you. " We can go if you want to." Harry said looking at you with concern in his eyes. " Yeah, after that I want too." You said to him, Harry and you go back and tell everyone what happened and that you were going to go ahead and go home.

Everyone said that they were sorry and hugged you and Harry goodbye. You both made it out of the club to head home after what happened you were still shaken up after what happened and Harry saw that and brought you closer to him as you both rode back to the house.

Once you got there you and Harry got in some more comfortable clothes and got in bed, once you were in bed Harry had you cuddled into him so you could be close to him.  " I love you Y/N." Harry said to you kissing the top of your head. " I love you too Harry thank you for being there for me." You said back to him.

" I'm always going to be there for you love." Harry said bring you closer to him. Before to long sleep got the best of you and you went to sleep before Harry pulling the blanket over the both of you and him to falling asleep knowing that you were safe in his arms as he falls asleep.

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