Surprised ( S.H )

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 You and Sam have been dating for 2 years now but you have known each other since you two were little. Sam has been off doing what he loves most which is cooking and with his being gone you haven't seen him with what feels like forever. You have been hanging out with Harry and Tom since Sam has been gone, but now it's getting more harder without Sam by your side everyday.

You have been going to college in London for the past year and you love it there. You've been studying history and English since you love it very much. Your on your way to class for the day, thank god that you only have one class today you didn't hardly get any sleep because you were up half the night on FaceTime with Sam since he is off cooking at his new restaurant that he got a job at.

You really did miss him, you know that he is doing what he loves but you wished that he was just closer to home then so far away from you. You walk on to campus to make it to your first class in time, you make it in with the rest of everyone you take your seat at the back of the class and get your books out with your pen.

After your first class you make your way out to make your way to your next class when you get a call from Sam. You smile down at the goofy picture that you took of him on your first date with him that you use as his contact picture. You pick it up to be meet with a very happy Sam on the another side of the phone.

" Hello my love!" Sam says to you, you laugh into the phone " Hello handsome." You said back to him. " What is my girl doing today?" Sam said back to you. You make your way through the crowed of people to try to make it on time to your class. " On my way to my last class of the day." You said to him. " I thought that you didn't have classes on Wednesdays?" Sam asked you.

" No I don't have classes on Fridays and Mondays." You said to him. You hear him knock over something in the back ground to him cussing at himself. " Shit!" He said in the phone.

" You good baby?" You said to him, " Yeah I just knocked over a glass of water." Sam said to you. You walk closer to your building that you have to walk in and they don't allow people talking on the phone. " Well love I have to go I'll call you when I get home okay?" You said to Sam in the phone.

" Okay baby, I'll talk to you then I love you." Sam said to you, You smile to yourself, " I love you too Sam." And with that you hang up the phone. You walk in to your class to take your seat in the middle since that's the only seat that is open and get your stuff out. 

As the class went on all you could think about was Sam, which you always think about him but not to the point where you didn't listen in your class. The class ended and you made your way back home to just rest since you have no homework and no work for the rest of the week.

You get in your car when you get a test from Harry saying that he was coming over because he needed help with editing a video that he was working on. Which you said that you were happy to help him with because you haven't seen him in about a week.

You make your way home to see that he was already there in your house since he has a key to your house in case something was to happen to you while Sam is away.

You walk in to see that he was in your kitchen making you both some tea while you put your bag down. " Well I guess this should just be your home then since you know where everything is at." You said laughing at him as he hands you your cup of tea. You get a laugh from him as he grabs his camera that was sitting on the table. 

" Yeah, for real I can be your roommate if you really wanted me too." He said giving you a hug which you gave back. " I don't if I could handle you and Sam living with me." You said taking a sip of your tea but you didn't notice that he was already filming on his camera that was in his hands.

" Yeah, well I don't know if I could handle seeing you and Sam being all on each other." Harry said laughing. " Oh shut up." You said hitting him on his arm. " Hey, I was wondering if I could show you something that I put up in the backyard." Harry said smiling at you.

" Oh god, what did you put up out there." You said getting worried about what he did to your backyard. " Oh nothing bad but your going to love it!" He said rushing to the backyard with his camera in his hands. You follow him out there to see that there were flowers everywhere on the ground.

" Uh, Harry did you do all of this?" You said looking at where all of the flowers were at which looked so lovely. 

" No I did." You heard a voice say from behind you, You turn to see that it was Sam. He was standing there with open arms that you ran into. You didn't really believe that he was really there. " Oh my god when did you come back?" You said pulling apart from him. " I came this morning and I came over here when I knew you were on your way to your classes." Sam said smiling at you. 

" I missed you so much." You said to him with tears in your eyes. " Oh love don't cry I'm here for good now." Sam said kissing you which you misses so much. 

" Oh and by the way I did help him." Harry said dropping his camera down.

" shut up Harry!" You and Sam said at the same time laughing. " You see this is why I couldn't be your roommate." Harry said to the both of you. " But I'm going to get going so you two can have some alone time." Harry said to the both of you while making his way out. " Bye Harry!' You said to him while turning your attention back to Sam.

" Well I think that you have some cuddles that you have to make up for." Sam said looking down at you. " Oh do I now?" You said back to him taking his hand and walking back into the house with him by your side. " Yeah you do." He said getting on the couch with you in his arms around you. " Well I think I can do that." You said kissing Sam and cuddling into him happy that your back in his arms.

Tom Holland, Sam Holland , Harry Holland imagines ✨✨Where stories live. Discover now