He cheated on you ( T.H )

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I was just getting out of work to go home and see my handsome husband of 4 years we have been together 10 years but marry 4. I was getting in my car when Harrison called me.

" Hey (Y/n) have you heard from Tom I have been trying to get up with him but he hasn't been answering my calls or texts. " he says I was getting my stuff in the car " I don't know Harrison I'm just getting out of work to go home just met me there " I say " Ok (Y/n) I'll see you in a couple of minutes. After that he hung up the phone I get in my car and start to drive to my house. When I get there I see a car on the other side of the street that I haven't seen before but I didn't pay much attention to it.

When I pull in I see Harrison come up and park his car beside mine. He gets out and sees me and hugs me " Did you see that car on the side of the street I haven't seen it before " I say to him he shake his head. " There's no telling who it is let's go see if Tom is in there " we both go up there I went to unlock the door but it was unlock I look at Harrison " it's unlock" he looks back at me " y'all never left it unlock before " we go in to the house and we see two glass of wine on the coffee table and Clothes all over the floor.

I look at Harrison " you don't think he's cheating on me, do you ?" I say to him he looks down at me
" (Y/n) I have no idea I hope not " we go upstairs and  the worst thing that I could have seen.

Tom in bed with a other woman my heart broken in to a billion pieces, I didn't say anything I couldn't say anything I was to hurt to say anything Harrison comes up behind me and starts yelling and Tom sees us and looks at us he was yelling at Harrison and looks at me and was talking to me but I couldn't hear anything I couldn't feel anything that was happening like everything was just happening and I couldn't do anything about it. Tom comes up to me and try's to hug me but Harrison pulls me from him, he looks hurt but he try's talking to me but I couldn't say anything.

Harrison let's me go and then I felt like I could do something all the sadness is gone for right now I look at Tom and the next thing I know I slap him across the face he falls down on to the bed I look at my hand it starts to turn red from what just happened. Tom looks up at me and all over his face is sadness.

" Why just why "  I said to him he doesn't say anything " WHY TOM WHY." I yelled at him I'm so mad and upset right now that I don't care what I do
" I'm so sorry baby " he says looking at me
" Don't call me your baby anymore I'm long gone from that " I say he looks at me he had tears coming down his cheeks he looks hurt and that's what I won't him to feel like.

Harrison left so me and Tom could talk I walk in to the closet and start to put clothes into my bag that I got out Tom comes in and sees what I'm doing
" what are you doing " I look up at him and I look back down at what I was doing " packing my clothes because I'm not staying in the same bed where you fucked at Whore in Tom " I say putting more stuff in the bag.

" Please don't leave me " he says coming up to me he try's to hug me but I pull away from him I look at him. " How long " I say to him his face drops when I ask him that question " what are you talking about (Y/n) " I grab the closest thing I could get and I throw it at him. It was one of my hills that I had

He looks down " 1 years " he says I look at him
" you got to be joking right " I ask him he shakes his head no I look down " so you were having sex with a girl and still having sex with me at the same time ?"
I ask him " (Y/n) it was a one night stand that turn into more then a one night stand " he says looking at me " do you still love me " I ask him " yes I love you with all my heart " he says that not looking at me
" No look me in the eyes and say you love me " he couldn't do it " wow just wow Tom after everything I have done for you, you do this to me " I get the rest of my stuff and get some other stuff.

I walk down the stairs and get my keys and some other stuff that was mine I look back at Tom who was looking at me " I still love you Tom but you just don't feel the same " I turn to walk to the door
" I'll see you when I have the paperwork so I don't have to have your last name anymore " and that was the last thing I said to him the one and only love of my life gone just like that.

Tom Holland, Sam Holland , Harry Holland imagines ✨✨Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora