The split- Impulse SV

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(Drabble I'm never going to finish)

If there was anything Impulse had learned, there were always three sides. 

Black, grey and white. 

Sometimes grey wouldnt matter, sometimes it would, who knew. These qualities came to people in different ways. But to him, it was voices. 

"Kill them, it'll be fun! Come on impy, what are you, scared?" The chaotic and evil voice said.

Several intrusive visions flashed through his head, causing the all too familiar feeling of a headache. 


"Leave him be. It's impulse's decision, not yours." The good voice said. 

So now he was walking through the shopping district, trying to get rid of this killer headache when he heard a voice. A voice that wasn't in his head. 

"Impulse watch out!" A familiar mayor's voice called. 

The brunette went to turn, a potion splashing him, causing smoke to come off of the Redstoner. He started coughing. The smoke growing around him. Until it consumed him. 

     Scar quickly called over Xisuma, explaining the situation to the admin, when in a gust of wind the smoke cleared. Yet there was a problem. 

There were two brunettes here instead of one. 

The one in the left wore purple, with a question mark on his shirt. He wore glasses, looking up at the two with light brown eyes. 

   "That….wasn't pleasant. I never want to do that again." The one wearing glasses said. 

The other one was still out of it, his shirt rainbow in color. His eyes were closed, and he seemed asleep. 

  Scar and X immediately went into defensive positions, not knowing who these strangers were.

"Who are you?" Scar asked, Xisuam at his side. The two slowly stepping closer. 

The one with glasses stood up, dusting himself off. He adjusted his glasses, looking to the two hermits.


"You spilt me in two scar. Oh this is…..weird."

"Impulse?!?"  The admin asked. 

"Not quite."

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