Does your siblings support your relationship

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At first, Kev didn't like that you and Carl are together because he was looking out for you. V talked to Kev about it and for a bit, Kev started to like your relationship with Carl.

Jimmy/Steve was a bit upset that you're dating Lip. But a few days later, he apologized to you and will be there for you and Lip.

V totally supports you and Ian's relationship!! She knows that Ian's a good person and has a great heart.

Karen doesn't support your relationship. You guys kinda got in an argument, you've always supported her and Jody together. She still doesn't support your relationship with Mickey.

Mel supports your relationship with Fiona. She likes how you and her have a lot in common.

Mickey and Mandy totally supports you!! Mickey's gay, so he understands your opinion and Mandy loves you no matter what.

You don't have siblings but your parents loves Kev, they think he's so sweet and also funny. They totally support your relationship with Kevin.

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