Chapter Eight- KEEP MOVING!!

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Location: Jin's Apartment

(5:00 Am)

(The members all stood in silence after that sketchy phone call Jimin had answered. Jin slowly walks up to Jimin and proceeds to ask "Who was it?" in which Jimin replied with "....It sounded like Manager Sejin... He said WAKE UP! WAKE UP!... I.... Then all the members came to realization this was something far more dangerous and serious. This here could be the very moment their own lives can be at risk.)

Namjoon-... Okay.  The Count time is 5 hours... Now 4..

Jimin- This timer.. Means something..

Hoseok-... Guys...

Yoongi- That timer means one thing..

Jungkook- GUYS! The computer.. look..

*Computer Typing....


Jungkook-.... Someone... Someone type Hello Back..

Hoseok- I'll do it.. I'm tired of being scared, maybe they can help us. *Begins Typing*

*Computer Typing....*

User- Please List*n,I don't h*ve *a*lo* of t*m*...

Hoseok-.. I don't understand what they wrote..

Namjoon-... Some letters are missing.. but... i think it says.. Please Listen, i don't have a lot of time..

*Computer Typing...*

User- Y*u h*ve 2G* to H*ospi*al NOW!, s*ve You*rs*lf b*fo*e you DIE

Yoongi- ... You.. have..two?...too?..

Jimin- Hos...pital.. OH MY GOD...


Namjoon- Whoever this is.. they are trying to help. They are telling us. It's clear we are in the hospital. In real life. Not sure what is happening, But if this person says we are going to die, then that timer is our only source of time that we have left.. but we have to go now.

Jimin- I am ready.

Hoseok- So am i.

Jungkook- Let's do it.

(The members then see a timer, on their phones, the phones and internet were now visible to them. The timer that stood before then now is within them.)

Namjoon-. *Looks at Phone*.. This Timer.

Jungkook-... This Timer has a Meaning. it isn't just there to be there. I think this timer is literally...

Jimin- Saying we have this amount of time before we die.

Jin- Exactly... Never would i thought this could happen... but how and why...

Namjoon- No time to think about why..We need to go get those flowers. As a Team. Whatever is out there. We have to try to fight back. This is a dream.. So.. we have to control it.

Hoseok- Right.

Taehyung-... We are ready.

Namjoon- Keep your brains down.  And focus... Ok. Let's Go.

Jin- I will drive.

Jungkook- The car.. it.. was destroyed.

Namjoon- We will find a new one. Let's Go.

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